War and Nation is an international research network that seeks to explore the way war became a catalyst for the creation of identity in South America in the nineteenth century. From early on war fuelled the development of identities that would eventually become national. New nations developed within the colonial administrative areas that the Spaniards had imposed. In order to understand how the new states emerged, it is necessary to work outside the constraints of the nations we know today and study conflict from a regional perspective. Our network works from this perspective.

Our events are open to the public. This photo is of the audience at one of our events in Peru.
We organise academic workshops and conferences on the Independence period and create short podcasts about South American history to complement the information on this website.
Using the links to the right, you can find general information about the South American Wars of Independence. The pages also contain short podcasts, which have been created by the researchers on the project. These podcasts are designed to provide short introductions to the themes our project is covering. We hope you will find them a useful teaching resource. Longer video footage of our conferences and events, including video footage of some of the conference papers that have been presented, can be found on the news and events pages.
The research network is funded by the Leverhulme Trust and our core research team is comprised of academics from universities in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, the US and the UK. Each year we hold international conferences and a series of network events, which are open to the public. Our events bring scholars from Latin America and the rest of the world together to discuss the construction of nation states in South America in the nineteenth century. The events centre around a core theme, such as the restoration of the Spanish Monarchy in 1814, and they lead to scholarly publications as well as the more accessible short podcasts found on this website.