
Mohawk Loyal Orange Lodge 99


Founded in 1848, the Mohawk Loyal Orange Lodge 99 is based in Tyendinaga. In 1990, several lodge members attended the Tercentenary celebrations of the Battle of the Boyne and participated in the parade that ended at Strangford Avenue Playing Fields. Around 50,000 people attended to mark the 300th anniversary of the defeat of deposed Catholic king James II’s forces by his Protestant successor William III. While in Northern Ireland, the Mohawk Orangemen were also given “pride of place at the Co Tyrone Grand Royal Arch Purple Chapter’s annual service in Augher.” Nine years later, the Orange Order in Ireland sent a cheque for £3500 to the Mohawks to help restore the Christ Church Royal Chapel on the Tyendinaga Reserve.

Bibliographic sources

“Loyal Mohawks,” Sunday Life, 30 September 1990, 4;