Beyond the Spectacle: Native North American Presence in Britain

One key aim of ‘Beyond the Spectacle’ is to create maps which provide visual representations of Indigenous North American presence in Britain, whether as travellers or as residents. We want to allow users to explore these maps in a variety of ways, both digitally and, in the case of our walking tours, out in the real world. Our current map offerings are divided into the following categories:

  • United Kingdom – these are our largest maps, providing an overview of Indigenous presence throughout Britain, across the centuries.
  • London – the capital has long been a hub for Indigenous visitors and residents, and these maps showcase this in a variety of ways.
  • ‘Indigenous Alba’ – these maps document Indigenous presence across Scotland.
  • Walking Tours – these allow you to explore the sites of Indigenous presence in a number of British cities, while you’re out and about.

To complete these maps and the others we plan to make, we need your help.

COMING SOON… we will shortly be adding maps following the journeys of Cherokee diplomatic delegations, the travels of Maungwaudus and his Mississauga troupe in the 1840s, the speaking tours of Ojibwe Methodists, Deerfoot’s late 19th century races, the 1876 and 1883 tours by Canadian and Mohawk lacrosse teams, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Tours between 1887 and 1904, and the early 20th century tours of Seneca playwright and actor, Carrie “Gowongo” Mohawk.

If you have any information (stories, images, artefacts, recollections, etc.) about Native North American visitors to Britain, please do get in touch and help us put your village, town or city on one of our maps – email us at