
Vaughan recounts that in 1624 the Virginia Company of London “moved that some course might be taken for the Education and bringinge uppe of the Indian boy that was lately brought over from Virginia”. He had been brought over by William Perry, a simple colonist, who could not afford his upkeep. The Court requested that he be taken in by the Reverend Patrick Copeland, who was then in Bermuda having failed in his first attempt to establish a school in the colonies””the combined effects of massacres in Virginia and the dissolution of the East India Company. There is as yet no further information as to the boy’s fate. We’ve put this flag over Otley Hall in Suffolk, home of Bartholomew Gosnold, one of the principal investors in the Virginia Company of London. It was possibly around the fire in this house that he planned the 1606-7 venture to Virginia with John Smith, Richard Hakluyt, and others.

Bibliographic sources

Alden T. Vaughan, Transatlantic Encounters, 99.