
Rowi Tesawasnaasere, Tewatira-Warakota, Tewenniarow, Nioherrasha


In August 1851, George Catlin added a delegation of Haudenosaunee men to his “Catlin’s American Indian Collection” show at Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. They apparently used Catlin’s premises to “sell off moccasins, bags, reticules, caps, bracelets, and other artifacts “˜which they had intended to display in the Crystal Palace.’ It is likely these artifacts were Catlin’s own – he would be imprisoned for a debt in London in 1852 – and it is unclear whether the “˜Iroquois’ were white men or Indians.”

Bibliographic sources

Rosemarie K. Bank, Theatre Culture in America, 1825-1860 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 180-181. For names, see “The Great Exhibition,” Tyrone Constitution, 15 August 1851, 3. For the address of Catlin’s show, see “Catlin’s Celebrated Indian Collection,” Morning Advertiser, 25 December 1851, 1.