
In 1865 and again in 1866, Queen Emma traveled to London as part of a tour of Europe and the United States. In November 1865, she went to Wells, in Somerset, in part to raise money for Christian missions to the Hawaiian Islands and she took part in a service at Wells Cathedral. In London, she stayed at Claridge’s Hotel, attended services at St Paul’s Cathedral, was received by Queen Victoria and also met with the Lord Mayor. She visited other towns and cities in Britain as well, including Cambridge, Manchester, and Leeds.

Bibliographic sources

“Visit of Queen Emma to Her Majesty,” Dublin Evening Mail, 12 September 1865, 2; “Queen Emma at Wells,” Western-Super-Mare Gazette, 4 November 1865; “Queen Emma of Hawaii at the Mansion House,” Kentish Independent, 28 October 1865, 5; “Queen Emma of Hawaii,” Morning Post, 23 September 1865, 5; “Queen Emma and the Bishop of Oxford,” Bradford Observer, 12 October 1865, 4. Image by William F. Cogswell (1890) – Own work, Public Domain,