
Bright Eyes – or Susette La Flesche – was a writer, artist, lecturer, and interpreter. The daughter of Iron Eye, Principal Chief of the Omaha, she was Ponca, Iowa, French, and Anglo-American, and a member of the UmoNhoN, or Omaha Tribe of Nebraska. A committed advocate of Native American rights, she married the journalist and member of the Aborigines Protection Society, Thomas Tibbles, with whom she had worked for many years. Following a successful speaking tour of the eastern US, as interpreter for Chief Standing Bear and speaker in her own right, LaFlesche, her husband, and Standing Bear himself embarked on a ten month speaking tour of England and Scotland in 1887. We have placed her (and Mr. Tibbles) here at one of their many appearances in Scottish Free Churches.

Bibliographic sources

Peeblesshire Advertiser, January 14th 1888. Image by José María Mora –, Public Domain,