
Godon served with the Winnipeg Rifles during the Second World War and was stationed on the Isle of Wight during the lead up to the D-Day invasion. He recalled the difficulty of knowing that they were going to take part in an offensive, but not knowing where or when: “we went into Isle of Wight, a place called Isle of Wight, England. That’s where we done our training. That’s where we took our training for ” We had to have special training. From there on the Isle of Wight, see I was in with the Winnipeg Rifles, the 3rd Div [3rd Division] We were getting tired, we were waiting and waiting so just when they were going to make the invasion, but – we knew we were going to the invasion but we didn’t know where. So waiting and you started getting restless and finally, one night, they said, well boys, go and do your stuff because you guys are, we’re on our way.” Golden Hill Fort served as a depot for Canadian troops during the war.

Bibliographic sources For Golden Hill Fort’s role, see