
Following the French takeover of Fort York (then Fort Bourbon), four Native men were captured by the English and brought to England in the mid-1690s. At least two of them were Mohawk, as they were handed over to the New York colony in time. One of the four died in Plymouth. The other three were taken to London, but only the two Mohawk remain visible in the record. It would appear they were at least well looked after by the Sick and Hurt Commissioners of the Admiralty. We don’t know where in London they were looked after, so we have placed the flag here at the site of Sales Court, the Deptford house of one of the late 17th century commissioners, John Evelyn. We can’t speculate as to whether the men would have been in the house, but it is close to the Naval dockyards.

Bibliographic sources

Alden T. Vaughan, Transatlantic Encounters, 110.