Manchester Museum
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL
Manchester Museum is part of The University of Manchester. Its Living Cultures collection includes extensive materials from North America including 112 objects from the Arctic. The Museum’s ambition is to build understanding between cultures and a sustainable world. As part of this, the Indigenising Manchester Museum programme, supported by the John Ellerman Foundation, intends to develop how the museum cares for and supports cultural agency and revitalisation and reconciliation with these collections.
Objects in the North American and Arctic collections are relatively small groupings of objects from many different peoples, recorded and believed to be from over 60 different Indigenous cultural groups. Highlights from the largest of these groupings of objects include carvings by Kwakwaka’wakw artist Charlie James, intricate carvings by Inuit peoples, and many examples of beaded and/or dyed quillwork clothing from Eastern Woodland peoples.
Please contact the museum well in advance of your visit to ensure that access to collections is possible.
HIGHLIGHTS (Images copyright of Manchester Museum)

Moccasins (detail), Eastern Woodlands

Kwakwaka’wakw Totem Pole Carving (1929) by Charlie James

Ivory Carving and/or Bottle, Inuit