
Longboat was a famous Onondaga runner, who won the Boston Marathon in 1907 and was a favourite to win at the Olympics in 1908. He lined up with the other competitors at Windsor Castle on a hot July day but eventually had to quit the race at mile 21 due to heat exhaustion. He recovered and, four years later, while running a race at Powderhall, Glasgow, Longboat set a new record for the 15-mile race.

Bibliographic sources

Matthew Sakiestewa Gilbert, “Marathoner Louis Tewanima and the Continuity of Hopi Running, 1908-1912,” Western Historical Quarterly 43 (Autumn 2012): 326; “Edinburgh Marathon,” Scottish Referee, 5 Feb 1912, 5. Image by Charles Aylett – This file has been provided by the British Library from its digital collections. It is also made available on a British Library website.Catalogue entry: HS85/10/18314, Public Domain,