
Pahtahsega (Peter Jacobs)


Jacobs was a Ojibwe Methodist missionary (probably from the Mississaugas and he was later adopted into the Credit River band). He acted as an interpreter and prayer leader and sometimes assisted Peter Jones. He left for England in 1842 for his ordination and he lived in London with Robert Alder, the Wesleyan missionary secretary for British North America. Jacobs took part in several Wesleyan Methodist meetings and lectured at chapels during his time in Britain. In April 1843, he attended the anniversary of the Wesleyan Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Society for the Bolton district at the Bridge Street Chapel. He spoke of his “own conversion and subsequent career” and the reporter patronisingly remarked that Jacobs “speaks the English language with considerable fluency and with much greater correctness, on the whole, than might have been expected, and is manifestly a fine example of the effects which are produced by the civilising and ennobling influences of the christian religion.” He returned to North America in 1843, becoming a missionary at Fort Frances.

Bibliographic sources; “Wesleyan Methodist Foreign Missions,” Bolton Chronicle, 22 April 1843, 2.