Urban Albedo

- 2 September 2021: Professor Marialena Nikolopoulou special guest on ‘Walking with Giants’ urban climate walk
- 27 April 2021: Virtual Project meeting
- 16 April 2021: Professor Marielana Nikolopoulou interviewed by BBC News on ultra-white roofs
- 3 March 2021: Virtual Project meeting
- 1 March 2021: Professor Marialena Nikolopoulou gave talk at ADAM Architecture
- 20 February 2021: Dr Giridharan Renganathan delivers keynote speech at international conference, ICON BEST 2021
- 14 January 2021: Virtual Project meeting
- 4 December 2020: Virtual Project meeting
- 1 December 2020: Dr Agnese Salvati presented the Urban Albedo project at the EA EBC Annex80
- 4 November 2020: Virtual Project meeting
- 29 September 2020: Professor Maria Kolokotroni presents results from the Urban Albedo project to the CIBSE Resilient Cities Group
- 14-15 September 2020: Urban Albedo presented at the CIBSE ASHRAE Technical Symposium
- 10 September 2020: Virtual Project meeting
- 1-3 September 2020: Urban Albedo Presented at the 35th PLEA Virtual Conference
- 14 July 2020: Virtual Project Meeting
- 24 June 2020: CIBSE CPD Webinar
- 25 February 2020: Project meeting at University of Kent
- 28 January 2020: Kristen Guida, Urban Albedo stakeholder to give CASE Open Lecture
- 21 January 2020: Professor Nikolopoulou presents at City STEM speed dating
- 9 January 2020: Professor Marialena Nikolopoulou speaks at The Edge Debate
- 6 December 2019: Project meeting at University of Kent
- 27 November 2019: Urban Albedo at the CIBSE Build2Perform Live 2019
- 28 September 2019: Urban Albedo at the Urban Climate Walk, London
- 19 September 2019: Professor Nikolopoulou presents at the Asia-Pacific Energy Sustainable Development Forum
- August 2019: Dr Renganthan presents the Urban Albedo at the Indian Faculties of Architecture
- August 2019: Dr Renganathan presents the Urban Albedo at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
- August 2019: Professor Maria Kolokotroni features in Channel 4’s ‘Britain’s Extreme Weather: Superstorms and Heatwaves’
- July 2019: Dr Richard Watkins discusses the European Heatwave on Euronews
- 29 April 2019: ‘Observing London’ Heat Risk in London Group Meeting, LCCP
- 5 March 2019: Participation to FutureBuild 2019, London Excel
- 1 May 2018: Project meeting at University of Kent
- 15 October 2018: Workshop 1 – Importance of urban albedo, The Livingroom, City Hall, London
- 5 September 2018: Project meeting at University of Kent
- 12 July 2018: Stakeholder Engagement Planning Workshop Exercise, GLA-London Fire Brigade
- 12 June 2018: Heat Risk in London Group meeting, LCCP
- 11 January 2018: Project meeting and Stakeholders meeting at Brunel University
- 10 June 2017: Kick off meeting at University of Kent