Public Involvement and Engagement runs through every aspect of the Kent Research Partnership.

Lived Experience Working Group

Led by Gina Walton (Kent County Council) and John Potts (lay co-applicant), with support from Dr Amanda Bates (University of Kent), we established a Public Involvement and Engagement Working Group, consisting of 12 members of the public (people using social care and their informal carers).

Meet the Group: Kent Research Partnership’s Lived Experience Working Group

The Working Group jointly agreed its values and principles and how it would support the aims of the Partnership. The Group is involved in numerous areas of Partnership work and Group members:

  • are experts by experience, contributing to Partnership activities and events
  • are founding members of the Communities of Practice (CoPs)
  • designed and commissioned training to help Working Group members build confidence and actively support Partnership activities
  • contribute to outputs and resources
  • review Fellowship pilot projects and Partnership funding applications
  • support wider dissemination of research findings
  • contribute to the evaluation of the Partnership as a whole and of individual work streams
  • make links and share information – created a blog shared via the Think Local Act Personal website

Study Steering Committee

Partnership development and activity is overseen by a Study Steering Committee which includes 3 independent members with relevant lived experience (a person drawing on care and support, an informal carer and a member of the public).  These lay steering committee members are supported by Dr Amanda Bates and Professor Ann-Marie Towers.

Support and training

All Partnership Working Group and Steering Group members are offered training to support them in their roles.  This has included a one-day training course offered by the Innovation Delivery Team at Kent County Council to help Public Involvement and Engagement representatives feel more confident in multi-stakeholder meetings and events.

Evaluation and experience sharing

Working Group members are involved in evaluating Public Involvement Engagement in the Partnership.  They keep a record of all relevant meetings and decisions, as well as a log of involvement and contributions to Partnership aims and work streams.  Their experiences of being in the Group are evaluated by an (anonymous) annual survey and the Group reflects on the feedback given and makes changes if/as needed. Working Group members have also contributed to the pilot of an NIHR sponsored evaluation tool called a ‘Cube Evaluation’.  This is a digital web-based four-dimensional framework developed to map the quality of PPI experience.

Working Group members contribute to outputs and dissemination of writing blogs on their experiences and speaking at conferences and other events.  The public involvement contributors, Researchers in Residence and wider research team have each been writing a reflection of their experience of Public Involvement and Engagement, the impact it has had on the project and if/how it could have been improved.  These accounts and perspectives have formed the basis of a co-authored journal article currently in submission.

Public Involvement and Engagement in the Kent Research Partnership

Read the Role Description for members of the Working Group.

For further information or to get in touch with the Working Group, please contact us: