Centre for Biocultural Diversity

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Collection of books

A selection of CBCD staff and affiliate member publications are listed below. See also our Berghahn Series, Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology, edited by Professor Roy Ellen.



Ellen, R.F. 2023. ‘Identifying plants as a process of cultural cognition: comparing knowledge production and communities of practice in modern botanical science and Nuaulu Ethnobotany’, Journal of Ethnobiology. Sage, pp. 208-218. doi: 10.1177/02780771231194153.

Long, X., Waldstein, A., Wu, H. and Geng, Y. (2023) ‘Centella asiatica Complex Health Tea: Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of a Commercial Product Based on Indigenous Knowledge’, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review. RIS, pp. 61-69. Available at: https://ris.org.in/sites/default/files/2023-08/ABDR-March-July-2023.pdf.

Puri, R.K. 2023. Indigenous and local peoples’ conceptualisations of invasive and alien species. Contributed to Roy et al., Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control. Chapter Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES secretariat: Bonn. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7430723.

Soldal, H., Múrcia, C., Ouhammou, A., Hawkins, J.A., Martin, G.J., Puri, R.K. and Teixidor-Toneu, I., 2023. Plant names encode Tašlḥit knowledge of Morocco’s High Atlas landscapes. Human Ecology, pp.1-13. DOI 10.1007/s10745-023-00434-9


Davey, G., Waldstein, A. and Zhao, X. 2022. ‘God forbid! Rethinking substance use, religion, and spirituality’, Addiction Research and Theory. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/16066359.2022.2081840.

Ellen, R. F. 2022. ‘Describing and Conceptualizing Minimal Tools in an Ethnographic Setting: Implications for Understanding Technological Systems Holistically’, Journal of Anthropological Research. University of Chicago Press. doi: 10.1086/721966

Ellen, R. and Muthana, A. 2022. ‘The Kentish eoliths of Benjamin Harrison: their rise and fall in museum collections and what this tells us about the circumstances of their survival’, Museum Anthropology. Wiley, pp. 180-194. doi: 10.1111/muan.12257.

Glace, N. and A. Waldstein. 2022. Spiritual hair: dreadlocks and the bodies multiple in Rastafari. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 28 (1). ISSN 1359-0987. E-ISSN 1467-9655.


Castagnetti, F. , Bhatta J. and A. Greene. 2021. An Offering of Grain: The Agricultural and Spiritual Cycle of a Food System in the Kailash Sacred Landscape, Darchula, Far Western Nepal. Frontiers Sustainainable Food Systems 5: 646719. Doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.646719

Ellen, R.F.  2021. Nature Wars: Essays around a contested concept. Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology Series Volume 27. Berghahn Books.

Ellen, R.F.  2021. ‘Nuaulu Use and Management of Culturally Salient Polymorphisms in Codiaeum variegatum: Explaining the Biocultural Dimensions of Leaf Variegation in a Southeast Asian Ornamental’, Journal of Ethnobiology. The Society of Ethnobiology, pp. 229-246. doi: 10.2993/0278-0771-41.2.229.

Greene, A. 2021. Speaking with an Upside-Down Tongue: Reflections on Human-Elephant Multispecies Culture in Northern Thailand. Gagah 53: 4-19.

Maurya, A., Yadav, H., Montanari, B. & Shukla, A., 2021. Indigenous uses of medicinal plants in Tarikhet block of Kumaun Himalaya, India. Indigenous uses of medicinal plants in Tarikhet block of Kumaun Himalaya, India, (8), pp.100-117.

Montanari, B. & I. Teixidor-Toneu (2021) Mountain isolation and the retention of traditional knowledge in the High Atlas of Morocco.  The Journal of North African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2021.1901690

Waldstein, A. (2021) ‘Deportability and Spirituality in a Hostile Environment: An Intersubjective Perspective’, Social Anthropology. Wiley, pp. 960-975. Available at: http://doi.org/10.1111/1469-8676.13103.


Chua, L., Harrison, M., Cheyne, S., Fair, H., Milne, S., Palmer, A., Rubis, J., Thung, P., Wich, S., Büscher, B., Puri, R., Schreer, V., Stępień, A., Meijaard, E. 2020. Conservation and the social sciences: beyond critique and co-optation. A case study from orangutan conservation. People and Nature.  First online: Jan. 20, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/pan3.10072

Ellen, R.F.  2020. The Nuaulu World of Plants: Ethnobotanical Cognition, Knowledge and Practice amomg a people of Seram, Eastern Indonesia. The RAI Series Volume 3. Sean Kingston Publishing.

Greene, A., Panyadee, P., Inta, A. & M.A. Huffman. 2020. Asian elephant self-medication as a source of ethnoveterinary knowledge among Karen mahouts in northern Thailand. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 259: e112823.

Puri, R.K. 2020. Performance Knowledge: uncovering the dynamics of biocultural diversity of Borneo’s tropical forests through a Penan hunting technique. In Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global Themes and Practice, eds. T. Thornton & S. Bhagwat. Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1138280915

ter Schure, A., Pillai, A., Thorbek, L., Bhavani Shankar, M., Puri, R.K., Ravikanth, G., de Boer, H., Boessenkool, S. 2020. eDNA metabarcoding reveals dietary niche overlap among herbivores in an Indian wildlife sanctuary. Environmental DNA First online: 28 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.168

Waldstein, A. 2020. Smoking as Communication in Rastafari: Reasonings with ’Professional’ Smokers and ’Plant Teachers’. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology pp. 900-919. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2019.1627385


Darrah S.E., Shennan-Farpón Y., Loh, Jonathan, Davidson, N.C., Finlayson, C.M., Gardner, R.C. & Walpole, M.J. 2019. Improvements to the Wetland Extent Trends (WET) index as a tool for monitoring natural and human-made wetlands. Ecological Indicators 99: 294-298

Doffana, Z. D. 2019. The conservation of African yellowwood tree (Afrocarpus falcatus) in Sidama sacred sites, Ethiopia. Cogent Social Sciences, 5(1): 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2019.1565073

Ellen, R.F.  2019. ‘Ritual, landscapes of exchange, and the domestication of Canarium: a Seram case study. Asian Perspectives’, Asian Perspectives. University of Hawaii Press, pp. 261-286. Available at: https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/product/ap/.

Ellen, R. F. 2019. Transmitting symbolic concepts from the perspective of cultural cognition – the acquisition and transfer of folk-biological knowledgeIn Finding, inheriting or borrowing? The construction and transfer of knowledge in antiquity and the middle ages, eds., J. Althoff, D. Berrens and T. Pommerening. [Mainz Historical Cultural Sciences, 39]. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 41-70.

Foster, A. C. 2019. ‘Horticulture meets the periodic table: a century of elemental research’, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.1080/14620316.2019.1623088.

Howard, P., Pecl, G., Puri, R.K., and Thornton, T. F., eds. 2019. Human Adaptation to Biodiversity Change in the Anthropocene. Special Issue Ambio 48(12).

Lewis-Jones, K. 2019. Holding the wild in the seed: Place, escape and liminality at the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership. Anthropology Today 35 (2): 3-7.

Thornton, T. F., Puri, R. K., Bhagwat, S. A., and P. Howard. 2019. Human Adaptation to Biodiversity Change: An adaptation process approach applied to a case study from southern India. Ambio. Special Edition: Biodiversity Change and Human Adaptation.


T.E.A. 2018. The Ethnobotanical Assembly. A new webzine on research and writing on people and plants. Edited by Dr Kay Lewis-Jones (Kent) and Dr Lewis Daly (UCL).

Alexiades, M. A. 2018. “Ethnobotany”, The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. Hilary Callan. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Alexiades, M. A. 2018 “La Antropología ambiental: una visión desde el Antropoceno”, in B. Santamarina et al. (eds), Antropología Ambiental: Conocimientos y prácticas locales a las puertas del Antropoceno. Barcelona: Icaria, Institut Català d’Antropologia, pp. 17-70.

Ellen, R. F. 2018. Comment on ‘Revamping the metaphysics of ethnobiological classification’ by David Ludwig. Current Anthropology 59(4): 424-6.

Ellen, R. F. 2018. Cultural adaptation (v3 1282-1288), Ecological Anthropology (v4 1705-1707), Ethnobiology (v4: 1977-1980), Ethnoscience (v4: 2086-2087), Regional systems (v9: 5059-5061), Settlement patterns (v10: 5422-5423), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. Hilary Callan. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Ellen, R. F. 2018. The impact of local networks on subsistence resilience and biodiversity in a low-lying Moluccan reef system between 1600 and the present. Ambio. Published online 05 September 2018, DOI 10.1007/s13280-018-1091-2.

Lewis-Jones, Kay E. 2018. A Seed in Stasis: Seed Banking and the Gardening of the Wild, In Botanical Drift, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll and Petra Lange-Berndt (eds). Berlin: Sternberg Press.

Harmon D & Loh, Jonathan. 2018 Congruence between species and language diversity. In: Rehg K. & Campbell L. (eds) Oxford Handbook of Endangered Languages. (OUP, Oxford).

Montanari, B., and Shukla AC. 2018 (In press). Essential Oil of Thymus saturejoides Coss., in The High Atlas of Morocco: From Traditional Medicine to Community Natural Product Development. Chapter in: Sustainable Horticulture, 2 Volume Set. Apple Academic Press, CRC Taylor & Francis Group.

Montanari, B. 2018. Gendered Sphere of Traditional Knowledge in Morocco. In: Falola T and Abidogun J (Eds).The Palgrave Handbook of African Education and Indigenous Knowledge. Palgrave McMillan.

Novellino, D. 2018. BATAK: THE FIRST PEOPLE: A photo-narrative of a vanishing culture from Palawan Island (The Philippines).  Paris: Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT).

Peluso, D. M. 2018. Traversing the margins of corruption amidst informal economies in Amazonia. Special issue: The Social Life of Corruption in Latin America, D. Goldstein and K. Drybread, guest eds, Culture, Theory and Critique, 59(4):400-18.

Peluso, D. M. 2018. Sexual Seduction in Ayahuasca Shaman and Participants Interactions. The Chacruna Institute of Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Chacruna.net. Online publication. October, 5, 2018.

Puri, R. K. 2018. Harnessing the Interdisciplinary: A brief history of Ethnobotany at Kent. The Ethnobotanical Assembly. Issue 1.


50 Farmers Tales Archive went live in July 2017.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Is there a connection between object diversity and aesthetic sensibility? : A comparison between biological domesticates and material culture. Ethnos 82 (2), 308-330.

Ellen, Roy 2017 (with Alexander O’Neill). Interview with Professor Roy Ellen, Distinguished Economic Botanist 2017. Plants and People: Society For Economic Botany Newsletter 31 (Spring), 4-5.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Rethinking the relationship between studies of ethnobiological knowledge and the evolution of human cultural cognition, in Human origins: contributions from social anthropology, eds., C. Power, M. Finnegan and H. Callan. Oxford: Berghahn, 59-83.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Foreword, in Anthropology and cryptozoology: exploring encounters with mysterious creatures, ed., Samantha Hurn. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, xiv-xvi.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Tools, agency and the category of living things, in Classification from antiquity to modern times: sources, methods, and theories from an interdisciplinary perspective, eds., T. Pommerening and W. Bisang. Berlin: De Gruyter, 239-262.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Categorizing natural objects: some issues arising from recent work in cognitive anthropology and ethnobiological classification, in Classification from antiquity to modern times: sources, methods, and theories from an interdisciplinary perspective, eds., T. Pommerening and W. Bisang. Berlin: De Gruyter, 263-277.

Ellen, Roy 2017. Contingency and adaptation over five decades in Nuaulu forest-based plant knowledge, in Indigenous knowledge: enhancing its contribution to natural resource management, ed. P. Sillitoe. Wallingford: CAB International, 28-39.

Ellen, Roy 2017.  ‘John (Horsley Russell) Davis, 1938-2017’. Obituaries. Royal Anthropological Institute, June 2017.

Garcia-Gomez, E., Pérez-Badia, R., Pereira, J. and Puri, R.K. 2017. The consumption of acorns (from Quercus spp.) in the Central West of Iberian Peninsula in the twentieth century. Economic Botany 71(3): 256-68.

Howard, P. 2017.  Traditional Domestic Knowledge and Skills in Post-Harvest Processes: A Focus on Food Crop Storage. In Sillitoe, Ed. 2017. Indigenous Knowledge. Enhancing its Contribution to Natural Resources Management. CAB International.

Peluso, D. M. 2017.  To be Seen or Not to Be Seen! Marriage Choices among the  among Ese Eja of the Bolivian and Peruvian Amazon  The Anthropology of Marriage  in Lowland South America: bending and breaking the rules. Paul Valentine, Stephen Beckerman and Catherine Ales (eds), pp. 55-70. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

Beckerman, Stephen, Manuel Lizarralde, Daniela Peluso, Cédric Yvinec, Nathan Harris, Daniel Parker, Robert Walker, Kim Hill. 2017. Partible paternity, the secondary sex ratio and a possible Trivers-Willard effect. Reports Section. Current Anthropology, 58(4):540-543.

Teixidor-Toneu, I., G. J. Martin, R. K. Puri, A. Ouhammou, & J. A. Hawkins. 2017. Treating infants with frigg: linking disease aetiologies, medicinal plant use and care-seeking behaviour in southern Morocco. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 13:4

Weckerle, C., H. de Boer, R.K. Puri, T. van Andel, R. W. Bussmann, and M. Leonti. 2017. Recommended standards for conducting and reporting ethnopharmacological field studies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 220: 125-32.

Van Der Valk, Jan MA, Leon, Christine J, Nesbitt, Mark. 2017. Macroscopic authentication of Chinese materia medica (CMM): A UK market study of seeds and fruits. Journal of Herbal Medicine 8 (2017) 40–51.


Alexiades, M.A. and D.M. Peluso 2016.  La urbanización indígena en la Amazonia. Un nuevo contexto de articulación social y territorial / Indigenous urbanization in Amazonia: a new context for social and territorial articulation. Gazeta de Antropologia (special issue), Minorías Étnicas, Procesos De Globalización Y Contextos Urbanos. Guest editors: J.M. Valcuende & E.I.S Idrovo Landy, Volume 32 (1): 1-22.

D’Ambrosio, Ugo and Puri, Raj. 2016. Foodways in transition: food plants, diet and local perceptions of change in a Costa Rican Ngäbe community. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine [Online] 12:1-32.

Dominguez, Pablo. 2016. A comparative study of two Mediterranean mountain commons and the bio-cultural diversity associated to them. In, Agnoletti, M. & Emanueli, F. (eds). Biocultural diversity in Europe. Springer.

Ellen, Roy. 2016. Is there a role for Ontologies in understanding plant knowledge systems? o AccessJournal of Ethnobiology 36 (1): 10-28.

Ellen, Roy. 2016. Tools, agency and the category of ‘living things’, in Des êtres vivants et des artefacts, Paris (Les Actes de colloques en ligne du musée du quai Branly), mis en ligne le 20 janvier 2016.

Knight, Tony. 2016. Rewilding the French Pyrenean landscape: can cultural and biological diversity successfully coexist? In, Agnoletti, M. & Emanueli, F. (eds). Biocultural diversity in Europe. Springer.

Lewis-Jones, Kay E. 2016. “Useful to Us in Unknown Ways”: Seed Conservation and the Quest for Novel Human-Plant Relationships for the 21 Century. Journal of Ethnobiology 36 (1): 66-84.

Peluso, D.M. 2016. Global Ayahuasca: an entrepreneurial ecosystem. The World Ayahuasca Diaspora: reinventions and Controversies. Labate, B.C., Cavnar, C. & Gearin A.K. (eds), pp 203-221. London: Routledge.

Schreer, Viola. 2016. Learning knowledge about rattan (Calamoideae arecaceae) and its uses amongst Ngaju Dayak in Indonesian Borneo. o AccessJournal of Ethnobiology 36 (1): 125-46.

Sheil, D.,Raj Puri, et al. 2016. The moral basis for conservation – reflections on Dickman et al. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment [Online] 14:67-69.


Acha, A. & Newing, H.S. Hum Ecol (2015) Cork Oak Landscapes, Promised or Compromised Lands? A Case Study of a Traditional Cultural Landscape in Southern Spain 43: 601.

Alexiades, Miguel and Peluso, Daniela. 2015. Introduction: Indigenous Urbanization in Lowland South America. Indigenous Urbanization: the circulation of peoples between rural and urban Amazonian spaces [Online] 20:1-12.

Dominguez, Pablo and Benessaiah, Nejm. 2015. “Multi-agentive transformations of rural livelihoods in Mountain ICCAs”, Quaternary International, 1-11.

Ellen, Roy. 2015. Is there a connection between object diversity and aesthetic sensibility? : A comparison between biological domesticates and material culture. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology. pp. 1-23. Online publication: DOI:10.1080/00141844.2015.1052085.

Howard, Patricia. 2015. Gender relations in Biodiversity Management and Conservation. In A. Coles, L. Gray and J. Momsen (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Development. Routledge.

Lahsen, M., Mathews, A., Dove, M., Orlove, B., Puri, Raj., Barnes, J., McElwee, P., Moore, F., O’Reilly, J., and K. Yager. 2015. Strategies for Changing the Intellectual Climate. Nature Climate Change 5: 391-392. doi:10.1038/nclimate2596

Novellino, Dario. 2015. From Local Struggles to Global Advocacy: Mining Expansion and Indigenous Peoples’ Responses on the “Last Frontier”, in J. Eder and O. Evangelista, eds. Palawan and Its Global Networks. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

Novellino, Dario. 2015. Rice-Related Knowledge, Farming Strategies and the Transformation of Swiddens amongst the Batak of Palawan Island, the Philippines in M. Cairns (ed.) A Growing Forest of Voices. Earthscan: London.

Reyes-García V., Menendez-Baceta G., Aceituno-Mata L., Acosta-Naranjo R, Calvet-Mir L., Dominguez, Pablo, Garnatje T., Gómez-Baggethun E., Molina-Bustamante M., Molina M., Rodríguez-Franco R., Serrasolses G., Vallès J., Pardo-de-Santayana M. 2015. “From famine foods to delicatessen: Interpreting trends in the use of wild edible plants through cultural ecosystem services”, Ecological Economics, 120: 303–11.

Peluso, D. M. 2015. Circulating between Rural and Urban Communities: Multi-sited dwellings in Amazonian frontiers. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (special issue), Indigenous Urbanization: the circulation of peoples between rural and urban Amazonian spaces. Guest editor: D.M. Peluso, Volume 20, Issue 1:57-79.

Peluso, D. M. 2015 Children’s Instrumentality and Agency in Amazonia. Tipiti: Journal for the Society of Lowland South America. 13(1):44-62.

Peluso, D.M. 2015. Traversing and Translating High Finance.  Review of Mapping the frontiers of high finance: Art, anthropology & the material culture of markets. RAI, 25 April 2015. Anthropology Today. 31 (3): 21.

Peluso, D. M. 2015. Guest Editor, special-themed journal edition. Indigenous Urbanization: the circulation of peoples between rural and urban Amazonian spaces. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. Volume 20, Issue 1.

Puri, R.K. 2015. The uniqueness of the everyday: Herders and invasive species in India. In J. Barnes and M. Dove, eds., Climate Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Climate Change. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Acosta, Rufino and Dominguez, Pablo. 2014. Eco-anthropology: Towards a holistic approach on the relations between humans and the environment. In Lundsteen M., Martínez U. & Palomera J. (eds.), Proceedings of the XIII Conference PERIFERIAS, FRONTERAS Y DIÁLOGOS (panel “Antropología ambiental. Estado de la cuestión y retos futuros”), Tarragona 2-5 septiembre, Ed. Universitat Rovira i Virgili/FAAEE, 2835-2858.

Dominguez, Pablo. 2014. Current situation and future patrimonializing perspectives for the governance of agro-pastoral resources in the Ait Ikis transhumants of the High Atlas. In Herrera P.M., Davies J. & Manzano P. (coords) Global review of environmental governance in drylands and pastoral rangelands, Ed. IUCN and World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism, 126-144 pp.
Dominguez, Pablo. 2014. “Les agdals du Haut Atlas de Marrakech (Maroc)”, The ICCA Consortium newsletter, 8: 15-16.

Ellen, Roy and Benessaiah, Nejm. 2014. Nejm Benessaiah: an interview with Roy Ellen. Ethnobiology Letters 5, 31-39.

Ellen, Roy. 2014. (with D. A. Vázquez, G. A. Salinas, L. V. Coalla, P. E. Pliego, K. B. Stanley and A. A. Villamar) La etnoclassificatión de la aves de los Zapotecos del Rincón, Oaxaca, México. In Aves, personas y culturas: estudios de etno-ornitologia 1, ed. M. A. Vásquez-Dávila. Oaxaca: CONACYT, pp. 207-227.

Fish, Rob and Church, A. 2014. Cultural ecosystem services: stretching out the concept. Journal of the institution of Environmental Scientist: 31-44.

Montanari, Bernadette and Bergh, Sylvia I. 2014. The challenges of ‘participatory’ development in a semi-authoritarian context: the case of an essential oil distillation project in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The Journal of North African Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13629387.2013.878247.

Montanari, Bernadette. 2014. Environmental concerns, vulnerability of a subsistence system and traditional ecological knowledge in the High Atlas of Morocco. In Mountains, Geology, Topography and Environment Concerns, edited by António Bento-Gonçalves and António Vieira. Hauppauge New York, Nova Science.

Osawa, Yoshimi and Ellen, Roy. 2014. The cultural cognition of taste term conflation. The Senses and Society 9 (1): 72-91.

Peluso, D. M. 2014. Shajaó – histories of an invented savage. History and Anthropology. 25(1): 102-222.

Peluso, D. M. 2014 Ayahuasca’s attractions and distractions: examining sexual seduction in shaman-participant interactions. Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond, ed. Labate, Biatriz Caiuby and Clancy Cavnar, pp. 231-255. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Salick, J., Konchar, K. and Nesbitt, Mark. 2014. Curating biocultural collections: a handbook. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Volpato, Gabriele and Howard, Patricia. 2014. The material and cultural recovery of camels and camel husbandry among Sahrawi refugees of Western Sahara. Pastoralism, 4(1), 1-23.

Volpato, Gabriele and Puri, Raj. 2014. Dormancy and revitalization: The fate of ethnobotanical knowledge of camel forage among Sahrawi nomads and refugees of Western Sahara. Ethnobotany Research and Application Volume 12: 183-210.

Volpato, Gabriele and Waldstein, Anna. 2014. “Eghindi Among Sahrawi Refugees of Western Sahara” Medical Anthropology 33(2): 160-177.

Waldstein, Anna. 2014. “What Can Ethnobotany Contribute to the Study of the History of Herbal Medicines? A Mesoamerican Answer.” In S. Francia and A. Stobart (eds.). Critical Approaches to the History of Western Herbal Medicine, Bloomsbury Press.


Alcántara-Salinas, G., Ellen, Roy et al. 2013. Alternative ways of representing Zapotec and Cuicatec folk classification of birds: a multidimensional model and its implications for culturally-informed conservation in Oaxaca, México. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine [Online] 9:1-16, plus two additional files.

Alexiades, Miguel, Peters, C. M., Laird, S. A., Binnquist, C. L. and P. Castillo, 2013. The Missing Skill Set in Community Management of Tropical Forests. Conservation Biology, 27: 635–637.

Brennan, E., Harris, L.-A. and Nesbitt, Mark. 2013. Jamaican lace-bark: its history and uncertain future. Textile History 44: 235–253

Cruz-Garcia, G. S. and Howard, Patricia. 2013. ‘I used to be ashamed’. The influence of an educational program on tribal and non-tribal children’s knowledge and valuation of wild food plants. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 234-240.

Barnes, J., Dove, M., Lahsen, M., Mathews, A., McElwee, P., McIntosh, R., Moore, F., O’Reilly, J., Orlove, B., Puri, Raj, Weiss, H. and K. Yager. 2013. Contribution of anthropology to the study of climate change. Nature Climate Change Vol. 3: 541-544.

Domínguez, Pablo, 2013. Culturally mediated provision of ecosystem services: The AGDAL of Yagour. In Continuity and Change in Cultural Adaptation to Mountain Environments (pp. 379-393). Springer: New York.

Ellen, Roy, S. Johns and S. Lycett, eds., 2013. Understanding cultural transmission: a critical anthropological synthesis. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Ellen, Roy and Komaromi, Reka, 2013. Social exchange and vegetative propagation: an untold story of British potted plants. Anthropology Today, 29: 3-7.

Fischer, Michael et al. 2013. Harmonizing Diversity: Tuning Anthropological Research to Complexity. Social Science Computer Review [Online] 31:3-15.

Howard, Patricia. 2013. Human resilience in the face of biodiversity tipping points at local and regional scales. In, O’Riordan & T. Lenton (Eds.) Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future. British Academy and Oxford University Press.

Montanari, Bernadette, 2013. The Future of Agriculture in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco: The Need to Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge. In The Future of Mountain Agriculture, pp. 51-72. Springer: Berlin.

Ouarghidi, A., Martin, Gary J., Powell, B., Esser, G., Abbad, A., 2013. Botanical identification of medicinal roots collected and traded in Morocco and comparison to the existing literature. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9:59.

Puri, Rajindra K., 2013. Transmitting Penan basketry knowledge and practice. In Understanding cultural transmission: a critical anthropological synthesis, eds. Ellen, R.F., S. Johns and S. Lycett. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Soselisa, Hermien L. and Ellen, Roy, 2013. The management of cassava toxicity and its changing sociocultural context in the Kei Islands, Eastern Indonesia. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, [Online] 52:427-450.


Roy Ellen, 2012. Nuaulu religious practices: the frequency and reproduction of rituals in a Moluccan society. Leiden: KITLV Press.

Roy Ellen and H Soselia, 2012. A Comparative Study of the Socio-ecological Concomitants of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Diversity, Local Knowledge and Management in Eastern Indonesia. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 10, 15-35.

Roy Ellen, 2012. Studies of swidden agriculture in Southeast Asia since 1960: an overview and commentary on recent research and syntheses. Asia Pacific World 3(1), 18-38.

Sheyda Ahayeri and Helen Newing, 2012. Meat, markets, pleasure and revenge: Multiple motivations for hunting in Bamu National Park, Fars Province, Iran. Parks 18.1:125-33.

Dario Novellino and ALDAW, 2012. Palawan: Our Struggle for Nature and Culture. Online at: vimeo or youtube.

Douglas Sheil, Iman Basuki, Laura German, Tom Kuyper, Godwin Limberg, Rajindra K. Puri, Bernard Sellato, Marieke van Noordwij, and Eva Wollenberg, 2012. Do Anthropogenic Dark Earths occur in the interior of Borneo? Some initial observations from East Kalimantan. Forests 3: 207-229.

Christian Gamborg, Reg Parsons, Rajindra K. Puri, and Peter Sandøe. 2012. Ethics and research methodologies for the study of traditional forest-related knowledge. In Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge: Sustaining Communities, Ecosystems and Biocultural Diversity, edited by J.A. Parrotta and R.L. Trosper. World Forests, Volume 12: 535-562. New York: Springer.

Thomas Ibarra, Antonia Barreau, Carlos del Campo, Claudia Camacho, Gary Martin, Susannah McCandless, 2011. When formal and market-based conservation mechanisms disrupt food sovereignty: impacts of community conservation and payments for environmental services on an indigenous community of Oaxaca, Mexico. International Forestry Review 13(3): 318-37.

D. Vinyet and Pablo Dominguez, 2012. “Anàlisi d’una deriva agro-ecològica des de la Història i la Teoria Crítica en el Pensament Antropològic”, Peripheria, nº 16 : 24 p.

Pablo Dominguez, et al., 2012. Culturally mediated provision of ecosystem services: The agdal of Yagour. Environmental Values Journal, 21: 277-96.

Isabel Ruiz-Mallen, Pablo Dominguez, Laura Clavet, Marti Orta & Viki Reyes-Garcia, 2012. Investigación aplicada en etnoecología: experiencias de campo. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 7(1): 9-32.


Stuart Harrop, 2011. ‘Living In Harmony With Nature’? Outcomes of the 2010 Nagoya Conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Journal of Environmental Law, 23, 117-128.
Stuart Harrop, 2011. Deciding what to save: trade-offs in conservation. In Whales and Dolphins Cognition, Culture, Conservation and Human Perceptions, P Brakes and MP Simmonds (eds), Earthscan.

Roy Ellen and Simon Platten, 2011. The social life of seeds: the role of networks of relationships in the dispersal and cultural selection of plant germplasm. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 17(3): 563-84. [Results of the Leverhulme funded UK Homegardens Project.]

Peter Giovannini, Viki Reyes-Garcia, Anna Waldstein and Michael Heinrich, 2011. Do Pharmaceuticals Displace Local Knowledge and Use of Medicinal Plants? A Study in an Indigenous Rural Community, Mexico. Social Science and Medicine 72: 928-936.

Gotzone Garay and Rajindra Puri, 2011. Smelling the monsoon: Senses and traditional weather forecasting knowledge among the Kenyah Badeng farmers of Sarawak, Malaysia. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. Special edition: Traditional knowledge and Climate Change. 10 (1): 21-30.

Patricia Howard, 2010. Culture and agrobiodiversity: Understanding the links. In: Pilgrim, S. and J. Pretty (eds.), Nature and Culture: Rebuilding Lost Connections. Pp. 163-184.London & Washington DC: Earthscan Books.

Helen Newing, ed, 2011. Conducting Research in Conservation: A Social Science Perspective. Routledge.

Dario Novellino, 2011. Towards a ‘Common Logic of Procurement’: Unraveling the Foraging–Farming Interface on Palawan Island (The Philippines). In M. Janowski and G. Barker (eds.) Why Cultivate? Anthropological and archeological perspectives on foraging-farming transitions in island Southeast Asia. McDonald Institute Monographs: University of Cambridge.

Lisa Philander, N. Makunga and Simon Platten, 2011 Local medicinal plant knowledge in South Africa preserved by Apartheid. Human Ecology 39 (2), 203-216.

Earlier publications of Studies in Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology (pdf) which includes the latest from our Berghahn Book series.