Dr Cristian Nistor

Research Associate (2018)

Research interests

Research project
‘Adapter for a commercial grade camera or a smart phone to perform depth resolved imaging’

Funded by the European Research Council

Cristian worked on a patented adapter to transform a commercial grade digital camera or the camera in a smart phone into a depth resolved imaging instrument via optical coherence tomography. This activity took advantage of recent progress in commercial grade cameras in terms of their modes of operation as well as in terms of performance, such as sensitivity and speed of their photodetector arrays.


PhD in Physics at Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (2011)

Fields of Specialization and Interest
Optical coherence tomography

Fresnel incoherent correlation holography

Nondiffractive propagation of light in photonic crystals

Parametric processes (second harmonic generation) in photonic crystals

Numeric calculations (FDTD, PWE)

Beam filtering in photonic media

Planar waveguides

Last updated 27th July 2020