Fully Funded EPSRC PhD Studentship Available [CLOSED]

A fully funded PhD studentship, supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), is available for a September 2022 start at the University of Kent, and we invite potential students who would like to conduct a project in applied or biomedical optics to make contact with a potential supervisor in order to co-develop their applications.

A list of potential project areas with associated supervisors and more information on undertaking a PhD in the Applied Optics Group can be found at the bottom of this page.  Please make contact with an academic supervisor by email in the first instance.

Details of the scholarship including eligibility and funding levels are here: https://www.kent.ac.uk/scholarships/search/FNADEPSRCS02

The deadline for applications is Sunday 13th March 2022 but we encourage potential candidates to contact us as soon possible to allow time to jointly develop a PhD proposal.