Participation in “Identity Week 2019”

On Thursday, 13th of June, Manuel Marques and Robert Green from our School of Physical Sciences have attended the Identity Week event at the ExCel, where they met with representatives from national governmental agencies and companies providing equipment for forensic laboratories specialised in combatting fraud in identification documents.

They met with experts from Homeland Security Investigations in the USA, the Identity Fraud and Documents Centre of Expertise in the Netherlands, the Centre of Excellence for Combatting Document Fraud (part of FRONTEX), and the UK’s Home Office document fraud division. In the meeting, they presented some preliminary work done on non-destructive imaging of identification documents (eg., national ID cards and passports) using optical coherence tomography.

The research they showcased seemed to attract significant interest, with follow-ups and potential visits happening over the coming months.

At the same time, the interaction relieved numerous interesting problems that can find a solution with the expertise in SPS on Chemistry and Physics, mediated via technology developed in the AOG.