Claudia received her doctorate from the University of Florence in Italy and her Masters from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, where she is currently a lecturer in the humanities department and a co-ordinator of the history specialism in the Faculty of arts and sciences.
Her research specialism is the French Revolution in Peru and her books include Del trono a la guillotina. El impacto de la Revolución Francesa en el Perú, 1789-1808 (2006), and Marianne dans les Andes. L’impact de las révolutiones françaises au Peróu, 1789-1968 (2008). She also edited the following volumes El miedo en el Perú. Siglos XVI al XX (2005), El odio y el perdón en el Peru Siglos XVI al XXI (2009) and Nosotros también somos peruanos. La marginación en el Perú. Siglos XVI a XXI (2011). She has published book chapters and articles in international journals on the history of Peru in the era of the Bourbons and on Peruvian independence. In these articles she analyses themes such as the press, public opinion, political culture and the image of the woman.
Full text versions of some of Claudia’s articles and books can be found here.
In the podcast below, Claudia speaks about the way information circulated at the time of the independence revolution. She maintains that the independence process can be seen more fully when official newspaper resources are coupled with cultural resources such as ‘pasquines’ (anonymously written satirical and political poetic phrases which criticized the authorities).