Dr Alejandro M. Rabinovich gained his doctorate in history and civilisation at L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris. He is currently a researcher for CONICET and a lecturer in the history of Argentina at the Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina.
He has published the following monographs: La société guerrière. Pratiques, discours et valeurs militaires dans le Rio de la Plata, 1806-1852 (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013), Ser soldado en las Guerras de Independencia. La experiencia cotidiana de la tropa en el Río de la Plata, 1810-1824, (Sudamericana, 2013) and Anatomía del pánico (Sudamericana 2017). His research focuses on the phenomenon of war in revolutionary processes and in the formation of the state. He received the French Prize for Military History in 2010 and first prize in the Argentine Historic Essay competition in 2017. You can find full text versions of some of Dr Rabinovich’s articles here.
Dr Rabinovich has created a variety of podcasts for the War and Nation Research Network. In the podcast below Dr Rabinovich speaks about the forces sent by Spain during the wars of independence to try to reconquer the territory that had been lost.