This page lists monographs and book chapters by authors associated with the Understanding Unbelief programme organised by theme.

Aging and End of Life

Manning, C. (2018) ‘Narratives among non-religious individuals facing the end of life’ in V. L. Bengtson & M. Silverstein (eds.) New Dimensions in Spirituality, Religion & Aging. New York: Routledge.

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Bullivant, S., & Ruse, M. (2013) The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford: OUP.

Lee, L., & Bullivant, S. (2016) The Oxford Dictionary of Atheism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Access excerpted entries from the Oxford Dictionary of Atheism here

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Cognitive Science

Bering, J. M. (2019) ‘Why do we see supernatural signs in natural events?’ in D.J. Slone & W. W. McCorkle (eds.) The Cognitive Science of Religion: A Methodological Introduction to Key Empirical Studies. New York: Bloomsbury.

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Cross-disciplinary & Cross-cultural perspectives

Guesnet, F., Laborde, C., and Lee, L. (eds) (2017) Negotiating Religion: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives. London: Routledge.

van Nieuwkerk, K (2018) ‘Religious Skepticism and Nonbelieving in Egypt’ in van Nieuwkerk, K. (ed.) Moving in and out of Islam. Texas: University of Texas Press.

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Lee, L. (2015) Recognizing the Non-Religious: Reimagining the Secular. Oxford: OUP

Lee, L. (2016) ‘Nonreligion’ in M. Strausberg & S. Engler (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion. Oxford: OUP

Lee, L. (2016) ‘Polar Opposites? Diversity and Dialogue among the Religious and Nonreligious’ in T. Carroll & R. Norman (eds.) Religion and Atheism: Across the Divide. London: Routledge.

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