Tizard Research Projects

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Three people hugging and smiling
Picture by Nathan Anderson

PhD research projects

  • What is and isn’t working: Factors involved in sustaining person-centred community‐based leisure and social participation initiatives for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in independent or supported accommodation and the impact of COVID on this and quality of peoples’ lives. Ruwani Ampegama
  • Caregiver training for autistic children in rural parts of Saudi Arabia. Anoud Al Saud
  • Autistic social communication: Deficit or difference? An examination and comparison of structural features of conversation in autistic and non-autistic people through a neurodiversity lens. Rachel Cullen
  • “Isn’t that just a boy thing?” A qualitative exploration of gender perception amongst alt-gendered autistic young people and to what extent this influences their educational experience. Frazer Ellinor
  • Beyond the four walls of the classroom: Incorporating nature into a creative pedagogy for children and young people with learning disabilities. Nicola Elson
  • Increasing knowledge and practice of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) in Japan. Hiromi Gera
  • Understanding resilience in staff exposed to behaviours that challenge in intellectual and developmental disabilities services. Nadia Khan
  • Addressing the Maths and English needs of prisoners with learning difficulties and disabilities: An evaluation of prisoner education and Precision Teaching in prison. Tracy Mapp
  • Supporting the development of self-determination for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities within special education settings. Mark Murphy
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Jacqueline Paterson
  • Individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism detained under the Mental Health Act within secure hospitals. Gemma Rogers
  • Development of a Quality-of-Life scale for people with learning disabilities and dementia. Winnie Tsang
  • Useful interventions that can build skills in people with learning disabilities to actively and meaningfully pursue leisure activities. Ruwani Ampegama
  • Prison design and its impact on educational outcomes for prisoners with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a comparative study.  Farai Syposz