Skeletal Biology Research Centre

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Journal articles


  1. Aris, C. Nystrom, P. Craig-Atkins, E. (2018). A New Multivariate Method for Determining Sex of Immature Human Remains using the Maxillary First Molar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. In press
  2. Dunmore, C.J., Pateman, B. and Key, A.J.M. (2018) A citation network analysis of lithic microwear research. Journal of Archaeological Science 91: 33-42
  3. Dunmore, CJ, Wollny, G, Skinner, MM (2018) MIA-Clustering: a novel method for segmentation of paleontological material. PeerJ 6: e4374, 1-18.
  4. Groucutt HS, Grün R, Zalmout IS, Drake N, Armitage S, Candy I, Clark-Wilson R, Louys J, Breeze P, Duval M, Buck LT, Kivell TL, Pomeroy E, Stephens N, Stock J, Stewart M, Price G, Kinsley L, Sung WW, Alsharekh A, Al-Omari A, Memesh AM, Zahrani B, Scerri EML, Petraglia MD. Homo sapiens in Arabia at 85,000 years ago. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:800-809.
  5. Hublin, J-J, Ben-Ncer, A, Bailey, SE, Freidline, SE, Neubauer, S, Skinner, MM, Bergmann, I, Le Cabec, A, Benazzi, S, Harvati, K, Gunz, P (2017) New fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo sapiensNature, 546: 289-292.
  6. Key, A.J.M, Fisch, M.R., and Eren, M.I. (2018) Early stage blunting causes rapid reductions in stone tool performance. Journal of Archaeological Science 91: 1-11
  7. Key, A.J.M. and Dunmore, C.J. (2018) Manual restrictions on Palaeolithic technological behaviours. PeerJ 6: e5399
  8. Key, A.J.M. and Lycett, S.J. (2018) Investigating interrelationships between Lower Palaeolithic stone tool effectiveness and tool user biometric variation: implications for technological and evolutionary changes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10 (5): 989-1006
  9. Key, A.J.M., Young, J., Fisch, M.R., Chaney, M.E., Kramer, A., and Eren, M.I (2018) Comparing the use of meat and clay during cutting and projectile research. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 192: 163-175
  10. Kivell TL, Rosas A, Estalrrich A, Huguet R, Garcia-Tabernero A, Rios L, de la Rasilla M. 2018. New Homo neanderthalensis wrist bones from El Sidrón, Spain (1994-2009). Journal of Human Evolution 114: 45-75.
  11. Samuel D, Nauwelaerts S, Stevens J, Kivell TL. 2018. Hand pressures during arboreal locomotion in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus). Journal of Experimental Biology 221:1-10.
  12. Kivell TL. 2018. Hand pressures during arboreal locomotion in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus). Journal of Experimental Biology 221:1-10.
  13. Mahoney, P.Miszkiewicz, J., Chapple, S., Le Luyer, M., Schlecht, S., Stewart, T., Griffiths, R., Deter, C., and Guatelli-Steinberg, D. 2018. The biorhythm of human skeletal growth. Journal of Anatomy 232(1):26-38.
  14. Ortiz, A, Bailey, SE, Schwartz, GT, Hublin, J-J, Skinner, MM (2018) Evo-devo models of tooth development and the origin of hominoid molar diversity. Science Advances 4:eaar2334, 1-6.
  15. Samuel D, Nauwelaerts S, Stevens Tsegai ZJ, Skinner MM, Pahr DH, Hublin J-J, Kivell TL. 2018. Systemic patterns in trabecular bone in humans and chimpanzees. Journal of Anatomy 232:642-656
  16. Williams-Hatala, E.M., Hatala, K., Gordon, M., Key, A.J.M., Kasper, M., Kivell, T.L. (2018) The manual pressures of stone tool behaviors and their implications for the evolution of the human hand. Journal of Human Evolution 119: 14-26
  17. Georgiou, L., Kivell, T.L., Pahr, D.H., Skinner, M.M. (2018) Trabecular bone patterning in the hominoid distal femur. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.5156
  18. Guatelli-Steinberg, D., O’Hara, M.C., Le Cabec, A., Delezene, L.K., Reid, D.J., Skinner, M.M., Berger, L.R. (2018) Patterns of lateral enamel growth in Homo naledi as assessed through perikymata distribution and number. J. Hum Evol. (in press)
  19. Lu S-C, Vereecke EE, Synek A, Pahr, DH, Kivell TL. 2018. A novel experimental design for the measurement of metacarpal bone loading and deformation and fingertip force. PeerJ (in press)
  20. Kivell TL, Davenport R, Hublin J-J, Thackeray F, Skinner MM. 2018. Trabecular architecture and joint posture of the proximal humerus in extant homioids and Australopithecus africanus. American Journal Physical Anthropology (in press)
  21. Stephens NB, Kivell TL, Pahr DH, Hublin J-J, Skinner MM. 2018. Trabecular bone patterning across the human hand: Implication for reconstructing behaviour and manipulation in past populations. Journal of Human Evolution (in press)
  22. Neufuss J, Robbins MM, Baeumer J, Humle T, Kivell TL. The manual plant processing skills of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi National Park, Uganda. Invited paper for special volume in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (in press)
  23. Neufuss J, Robbins MM, Baeumer J, Humle T, Kivell T 2018. Gait characteristics of vertical climbing in mountain gorillas and chimpanzees. Journal of Zoology (in press)
  24. Tsegai ZJ, Skinner MM, Pahr DH, Hublin J-J, Kivell TL. 2018. Ontogeny and variability of trabecular bone in the chimpanzee humerus, femur and tibia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology (in press)
  25. Miszkiewicz, J., Mahoney, P. Histomorphometry and cortical robusticity of the adult human femur. Journal of Bone and Minereal Metabolism. (in press)
  26. Curto, C., Maurer, AF, Barrocas-Dias, C., Mahoney, P., Fernandes, T., Fahy, G.E. 2018. Did military orders influence the general population diet? Stable isotope analysis from Medieval Tomar, Portugal. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. (in press)
  27. Tsegai ZJ, Skinner MM, Pahr DH, Hublin J-J, Kivell TL. 2018. Systemic patterns in trabecular bone in humans and chimpanzees. Journal of Anatomy 232:642-656


  1. Fahy, G., Deter, C., Pitfield, R., Miszkiewicz, J., Mahoney, P. 2017. Bone deep: variation in stable isotope ratios and histomorphometric measurements of bone remodelling within adult humans. Journal of Archaeological Science 87:10-16
  2. Le Luyer, M., Bayle P. 2017. Microevolution of outer and inner structures of upper molars in Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene humans. In: Macchiarelli R. & Zanolli C. (Eds). Hominin biomechanics, virtual anatomy and inner structural morphology. From head to toe. A tribute to Laurent Puymerail. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (5-6): 632-644
  3. D’Ortenzio L, Ribot I, Kahlon B, Bertrand B, Bocaege E, Raguin E, Schattmann A, Brickley M. 2017. The rachitic tooth : the use of radiographs as a screening technique. International Journal of Paleopathology.
  4. Hawks, J, Elliot, M, Schmid, P, Churchill, SE, de Ruiter, DJ, Roberts, EM, Hilbert-Wolf, H, Garvin, HM, Williams, SA, Delezene, LK, Feuerriegel, EM, Rolph-Quinney, P, Kivell, TL, Laird, MF, Tawane, G, DeSilva, JM, Bailey, SE, Brophy, JK, Meyer, MR, Skinner, MM, Tocheri, MW, VanSickle, C, Walker, CS, Campbell, TL, Kuhn, B, Kruger, A, Tucker, S, Gurtov, A, Hlophe, N, Hunter, R, Morris, H, Peixotto, B, Ramalepa, M, van Rooyen, D, Tsikoane, M, Boshoff, P, Dirks, PHGM, Berger, LR (2017) New fossil remains of Homo naledi from the Lesedi Chamber, South Africa. eLife, 6:e24232, 1-63.
  5. Neufuss J, Robbins MM, Baeumer J, Humle T, Kivell TL. 2017. Comparison of hand use and forelimb posture during vertical climbing in wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) and sanctuary chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164:651-664.
  6. Ortiz, A, Bailey, SE, Hublin, J-J, Skinner, MM (2017) Homology, homoplasy and cusp variability at the enamel-dentine junction of hominoid molars. Journal of Anatomy, 231: 585-599.
  7. Pitfield, R., Miszkiewicz, J., Mahoney, P. 2017. Cortical histomorphometry of the human humerus during ontogeny. Calcifed Tissue International. 101: 148-158.
  8. Mahoney, P., Miszkiewicz, J., Pitfield, R., Deter, C., and Guatelli-Steinberg, D. 2017. Enamel biorhythms of humans and great apes: the Havers-Halberg Oscillation hypothesis reconsidered. Journal of Anatomy 230: 272–281.
  9. Skinner, MF, and Skinner, MM (2017). Orangutans, enamel defects and developmental health: a comparison of Borneo and Sumatra. American Journal of Primatology, 79:e22668, 1-13.
  10. Westaway, KE, Louys, J, Due Awe, R, Morwood, MJ Price, GJ, Zhao, J-x, Aubert, M, Joannes-Boyau, R, Smith, TM, Skinner, MM, Compton, T, Bailey, RM, van den Bergh, GD, de Vos, J, Pike, AWG, Stringer, Chris, Saptomo, EW, Rizal, Y, Zaim, J, Santoso, WD, Trihascaryo, A, Kinsley, L, Sulistyanto, B (2017) An early modern human presence in Sumatra 73,000-63,000 years ago. Nature, 548:322-325.
  11. Key, A.J.M. and Lycett, S.J. (2017) Influence of handaxe size and shape on cutting efficiency: a large-scale experiment and morphometric analysis. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24 (2): 514-541
  12. Key, A.J.M., Dunmore, C.J., Hatala K.G., Williams-Hatala, E.-M. (2017) Flake morphology as a record of manual pressure during stone tool production. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12: 43-53
  13. Werner, A., Jones, K.G., Miller, L., Buchanan, B., Boulanger, M.T., Key, A.J.M., Reedy, C., Bebber, M.R. and Eren, M.I. (2017) The morphometrics and microwear of a small Clovis assemblage from Guernsey County, Southeastern Ohio, U.S.A. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15: 318-329
  14. Key, A.J.M. and Lycett, S.J. (2017) Reassessing the production of handaxes versus flakes from a functional perspective. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9 (5): 737-753
  15. Zanolli C., Bayle P., Bondioli l., Mean C., Le Luyer M., Mazurier A., Morita W., Macchiarelli R., 2017 Is the deciduous/permanent molar enamel thickness ratio a taxon-specific indicator in extant and extinct hominids? In: Macchiarelli R. & Zanolli C. (Eds). Hominin biomechanics, virtual anatomy and inner structural morphology. From head to toe. A tribute to Laurent Puymerail. Comptes Rendu Palevol 16 (5-6): 702-714