
Professor Heather Ferguson completed her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psycholinguistics at the University of Glasgow in 2007, followed by a two-year postdoctoral research position at University College London. She was appointed as a Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Kent in October 2009, and was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2012, Reader in 2015, and Professor in 2018.

Heather is currently holding several research grants to support her research, including a five-year European Research Council Starting grant to examine the cognitive basis of social communication and how this changes across the life-span, a four-year Leverhulme Trust research grant to examine how people with autism spectrum disorder make sense of counterfactual versions of the world, and a 3-year Leverhulme Trust research grant to examine whether and how reading fiction enhances our cognitive and social wellbeing.

Research interests

Heather's primary research interest is in Cognitive Psychology. She is particularly interested in the interface between cognitive processes and social interaction, specifically the way that we access and represent other people's perspectives during communication. She uses a variety of techniques, including eye-movements, event-related brain potentials and reaction times to look at questions, such as:

• How do people understand and predict events in terms of other people"s mental states (e.g. their intentions, beliefs and desires)? And how quickly can they do this? What happens when these intentions, beliefs or desires are at odds with our own knowledge of the world?
• How do social abilities relate to cognitive skills (such as memory and inhibitory control)? Can social communication be enhanced by training these cognitive skills? How does advancing age affect this relationship?
• How do we separate reality from fantasy (say, in a fictional novel), and why do they get muddled up sometimes? Are there any social or cognitive benefits of reading fiction?


Please get in touch to discuss research supervision for undergraduate final year projects, MSc research projects, PhD theses or postdoctoral fellowships.


• Martina De Lillo (1st supervisor), Title TBA. Funder: European Research Council.
• Mahsa Barzy (1st supervisor), Title TBA. Funder: Leverhulme Trust.
• Kamyla Marques (3rd supervisor), Title TBA. Funder: Department Studentship (impact)
• Nilda Karoğlu (2nd supervisor), Title ‘Theory of Mind, sexual offending against children and cognitive distortions: An analysis of quantity and content in Theory of Mind’.

Completed PhD supervision

• Jumana Ahmad (1st supervisor; 2014), 'An electrophysiological and computational exploration of the working memory deficit in developmental dyslexia'
• Eiman Alismail (1st supervisor; 2014), 'The role of familiarity in action understanding and imitation: investigating mirror neurons in Saudi children with ASD'
• David Atkins (2nd supervisor; 2014), 'Culture and empathy'
• Rachael Morris (2nd supervisor), Title ‘The effect of Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation on attention’. Funder: University of Kent 50th Anniversary Research Scholarship.
• Serena Vanzan (2nd supervisor; 2015), 'The effects of Caloric Vestibular Stimulation on Persistent Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States'
• Miriam Tresh (1st supervisor; 2016), 'Mental simulations of language in individuals with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)'
• Laura Smith (2nd supervisor; 2016), 'Neuro-stimulation in traumatic brain injury'


• Honorary Secretary for the Experimental Psychology Society
• Associate editor for Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition
• Editorial board member for Cognition
• Regular peer reviewer for journal and funding panels, and PhD examiner
• 2017-present External examiner for BSc Psychology, University of Southampton

Last updated 21 April 2020