Research led teaching

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Research led teaching

Research-led teaching: Defining and celebrating a tradition

Are research and teaching conflicting priorities?

Research-led teaching (RLT) is supposedly definitional of higher education, and yet research and teaching are often treated as conflicting demands upon staff time.  How can we pursue these practices in an integrated and authentic way?  How can we explain to senior managers, prospective students and their parents – and actual students – what the value of RLT is for learners and teachers alike?

Featuring speakers from Kent and further afield (China, Australia, Wales, Ireland) this conference will equip attendees to develop and articulate research-led teaching in their professional practice.

Attendance is free.  You are welcome to come for all or part of the day.

Please sign up by Friday 14th of February to indicate which aspects of hospitality you are likely to require (tea breaks, lunch, closing reception) so that we have a reasonable sense of numbers for catering purposes.  (However, if you make a last-minute decision to attend, that’s fine.)

Wednesday 26th  February  10:00 – 17.00

10:00-13:00 in Keynes Lecture Theatre 2

14:00-17:00 in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3

lunch 13:00-14:00 Keynes Teaching Foyer 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Prof Charlotte Sleigh & Dr Julia Hope (conference organisers)


Twitter: @resledteach

Jointly funded by UCU (Kent Branch) and the DVC for Research & Innovation