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Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2021: Schedule

Conference schedule:

also see our contributed talks by junior participants.

all times given as UK summer time (BST)

The meeting room will open 30 minutes before the first talk on each day.

90 minute sessions are scheduled for a 50 minute talk followed by 40 minutes questions

60 minute sessions are scheduled for a 40 minute talk followed by 20 minutes questions

Provisional Schedule
Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2021 (Week 1) / Grant Meeting on Foundations of Quantum Matter

28 June-2 July 2021, Gaelic College, Skye

Programme for talks delivered online.

Please download the Abstract Booklet for further information on the talks.

Monday 28th June

14:00 – 15:30  John Chalker (University of Oxford)

Many-body Delocalisation as symmetry breaking

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break

16:00- 17:30     Paul Canfield  (Iowa State)

Synthesis as the heart of New Materials Physics.

(abstract) (recording)

Tuesday 29th June

— Please note late session times! —

19:00 – 20:30  Johnpierre Paglione (University of Maryland)

Exotic superconductivity in nearly ferromagnetic UTe2

(abstract) (recording)

20:30- 21:00     Break

21:00- 22:30     Aharon Kapitulnik (Stanford University)

Experimental search for Chiral Superconductors
also covering Magnetism, and Possible Weyl Superconductivity in UTe2

(abstract) (recording)

Wednesday 30th June

14:00 – 15:30  Manuel Brando (MPI Chemical Physics of Solids)

Electronuclear quantum criticality

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break 

16:00- 17:30     Suchitra Sebastian (University of Cambridge)

Fermi surfaces in Unconventional Insulators

(abstract) (recording)

Thursday 1st July

14:00 – 15:30  Elena Gati (MPI Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden)

Quantum materials under pressure – Quantum criticality in itinerant ferromagnets

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break

16:00- 17:30     Subir Sachdev (Harvard University)

Fermi surfaces large and small: unifying theories of the Kondo lattice and Hubbard models

(abstract) (recording) (slides)

Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2021 (Week 2)

5-9 July 2021, London

Monday 5th July

14:00 – 15:30  Francesca Ferlaino (University of Innsbruck)
Supersolidity in the ultracold: when atoms behave as crystal and superfluid at the same tim

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break

16:00- 17:30     Claudio Chamon (Boston University)
Fracton Topological Order

(abstract) (recording)

Tuesday 6th July

14:00 – 15:30  Kaden Hazzard (Rice University)

Synthetic dimensions: ultracold molecules, Rydberg atoms, and momentum-space lattices

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break

16:00- 17:30     Frank Pollmann (TU Munich)

Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of systems with conservation laws

(abstract) (recording)

Wednesday 7th July

13:30 – 14:30   Weslei Fontana and Claudio Chamon  (Boston University)

Fracton topological order in the continuum

(abstract) (recording)

14:30 – 14:45     Break

14:45 – 15:45     Frank Pollmann (TU Munich)

Exploring Topological Order on Quantum Processors

(abstract) (recording)

16:00 – 17:15     Andrea Young (UCSB)

Orbital magnetism in moire heterostructures

(abstract) (recording)

Thursday 8th July

14:00 – 15:30  Adam Nahum (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)

Measurement phase transitions and statistical mechanics


15:30- 16:00   Break

16:00- 17:30   Meigan Aronson (University of British Columbia)

Metallic Spin Chains: the effect of Electronic Correlations

(abstract) (recording)

17:30- 18:00  Student prize ceremony and talk

To be selected from submissions of conference participants.

Friday 9th July

14:00 – 15:30  Adam Smith (University of Nottingham)

Skeletons in the phase diagram: matrix-product-state-solvable models connecting topological phases of matter

(abstract) (recording)

15:30- 16:00     Break

16:00- 17:30     Andrea Young (UCSB)

Magnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene

(abstract) (recording)

17:30- 17:45     Closing of conference.

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