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Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2021: Registration


Registration is now closed, and registered participants have been subscribed to our conference email list. Please accept this subscription, as we will circulate login information and daily announcements via this list.

Notices regarding the meeting have now been sent.

If you have not received any email relating to your registration, you may have entered your information incorrectly. Please contact us in that case.

Last year, we received a small number of applications with invalid emails. If you have previously registered, but have not been contacted by the end of Saturday 26  June, please get in touch with us at (yes, it has last year’s date).

Junior participants (PhD students and PDRAs) have the possibility to advertise a piece of their research via pre-recorded talks of (up to) 10 minutes. Video submissions received from PhD students until Friday 2nd July will be considered for a prize for the best student talk, and the winner will have the opportunity to present their talk live on Thursday 8th July 2021. Please indicate your interest to submit a talk, and its title/abstract in the registration form.

Video submissions are collected separately via this form:

—->Submit your video talk here <—-