Centre for Philanthropy

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The Beacon Collaborative

The Beacon Collaborative is a collective impact charity whose goal is to increase philanthropy and social investment in the UK by giving support and confidence to the donors and social investors helping to drive positive social change.


Charities Aid Foundation

CAF is a charity which supports charities and donors to efficiently connect with one another. They produce a number of pieces of research each year, including the annual UK Giving Report, which is available here.


European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP)

The European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP) is an association founded in January 2008 by collaborating philanthropy researchers in Europe to advance, coordinate and promote philanthropy research in Europe.


Institute for Volunteering Research

IVR undertakes practice and robust research which helps to inform both policy and practice. Working with charities, public bodies and academics, they produce high-quality research which can be found in their Evidence Bank.


Lilly family school of philanthropy, Indiana University

The first school of philanthropy in the world, the School of Philanthropy provides research-led teaching for students and practitioners. They produce a wide range of research, which can be found here.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations

NCVO is an infrastructure body which works to champion and strengthens volunteering and civil society. They produce an annual UK Civil Society Almanac, the data from which can be found on NCVO’s data website.

New Philanthropy Capital

NPC works with charities and their funders to ensure that both can achieve the greatest impact. They regularly produce really useful research, which can be found here.

Philanthropy Impact

Philanthropy Impact provides information and advice for donors and charities.

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising

The Institute of Fundraising is the professional membership body for UK fundraising. They aim to support fundraisers through leadership, representation, standards-setting and education, and to champion and promote fundraising as a career choice.