Venue and Timing
The KSSCT will be held 1 July to 12 July 2019 at the Paris Centre of the University of Kent, Reid Hall, Montparnasse.
The fee for the 2019 school is £950. This amount covers seminar tuition and several lunch and drink receptions. Attendees will cover their own travel, accommodation and subsistence fees. Limited financial assistance will be available in the form of scholarships for a small number of excellent applicants who would otherwise not be able to attend. You can find more details about this in the apply section.
Graduate Research Day
For more information about the Graduate Research Day, please see the dedicated tab on this webpage.
Accommodation to suit a wide variety of budgets can be found in numerous parts of Paris. Applicants may consider looking at the Bureau de Voyages de Jeunesse (BVJ), which has various locations around Paris including one at Opera. Please contact the KSSCT administration using the contact form if you would like suggestions for accommodation in Paris.