Kent Summer School in Critical Theory

The Kent Summer School in Critical Theory was created to offer a unique intellectual experience to early career academics and research students – as well as to the scholars invited to lead seminars in a particular year.

[The KSSCT] broke me out of my academic/institutional shell, and re-energized my interest in academia and my doctoral studies”

We believe it is increasingly important to proliferate and defend spaces for critical thinking in the contemporary academy. Equally important is the maintenance of spaces within the PhD and early career calendar to pursue the kind of academic practice that engenders genuine and sustained intellectual activity.

For two weeks in Paris in July, a small group of junior scholars will work intensively with thinkers carefully selected from year to year, for the contemporary significance of their work and their ability to enrich the ethos of the school. The school has been arranged to create the conditions for an intimate and intensive collaboration between students and teachers, outside the formal institutional frame, so as to bring together participants who may not otherwise encounter each other.

Successful applicants will work with just one of the seminar teachers for the duration of the school, but will also have the opportunity to hear lectures by each of the seminar teachers, in addition to other invited guests. Participants will of course also be able to make the most of the school’s location in Paris.