Kent, Surrey and Sussex RDSU Year 4

Andy Alaszewski,

Start date: 01/11/2007

Kent, Surrey and Sussex RDSU Year 4

The South East Research and Development Support Unit (SE RDSU) operates in the NHS South East Coast region. While the region is without a single dominant urban centre, it is home to two large cities with populations of around 250,000 (Medway and Brighton and Hove).

Indices of Deprivation 2004 show that areas of Kent and the South Coast fare particularly poorly, with Hastings, Brighton & Hove and Medway all featuring amongst the more deprived districts in England on a range of measures. Within the South East, there are three broad economic areas: The Inner South East which forms a generally-wealthy core around London with a strong relationship to London’s teaching hospitals. The Rural South East which accounts for much of the population and areas such as the South Downs and the rural Weald of Kent. The Coastal South East which is characterised by a string of distinctive coastal cities and towns, yet it is an area which, with some exceptions, has seen continued economic and social decline.

Funder/funding stream

Funder: Department of Health

Funding: £179,291

What research outputs planned/published?



Last updated 19 January 2022