Evaluation of the Urgent Care Community Pharmacy Project

Linda Jenkins, L.M.Jenkins@kent.ac.uk

Integrating Community Pharmacy into the Urgent and Emergency Care Pathways: Evaluation of the Urgent Care Community Pharmacy Projects

With funding from the Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEKSS), CHSS Public Health Specialist Linda Jenkins is working with Dr Trudy Thomas at Medway School of Pharmacy to find out what pharmacies are already doing to support demands for urgent care, especially during evening and weekend opening times, and whether training for this has helped.

A focus group of experienced pharmacists will be held to identify key issues and questions for the research. These will form the basis for telephone interviews to a sample of around 50 pharmacies in Surrey, Sussex and Kent.

The study will ask about the services offered by pharmacists working outside core hours, when access to healthcare is more difficult. It will also explore the impact of a specific Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) training pack, as well as more general questions about the kind of training that community pharmacists need to gain skills and confidence in delivering urgent and emergency care.

Start date: 01/07/2015 End date: 01/05/2016

Funder: Health Education Kent, Surrey and Sussex

Funding: £13,343.28

Last updated 25 January 2022