Primary Care Research Webinar 28/10/24: Research Journeys

This live webinar is on Monday 28 October 13.00 - 13.45

Come along to the fourth in our series of primary care research webinars to hear two research-active GPs talk about their research journeys and how they’ve learnt to take the rough with the smooth!

Our primary care research webinars are aimed at primary care clinicians and practitioners and are brought to you by the Primary Care Research Group based at the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent.

This live webinar is on Monday 28 October 13.00-13.45 and our guest speakers are Professor Hilary Pinnock (GP and Professor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine) and Dr Kate Neden (GP and Reader in Medical Education).

See attached flyer for more information and details on how to join the webinar.

Sign up for the webinar on this form