Portrait of  Tim Woodhouse

Tim Woodhouse

NIHR Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellow


As Suicide Prevention Programme Manager (based in Kent County Council’s Public Health team), I am proud to have been awarded a NIHR Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellowship. The Fellowship is funded by the Dept of Health and Social Care, to support local authorities to become more research-active. I am also very happy that Professor Lindsay Forbes is supervising my Fellowship.

During my 12-month NIHR Fellowship (Sept 23-Aug 24) I will undertake a personalised programme of academic training (the Post Graduate Certificate in Methods of Social Research at University of Kent) as well as preparing a PhD proposal relating to reducing domestic abuse-related suicides (which the NIHR will then consider for funding in the future). 

I am very honoured to have been awarded a Churchill Fellowship. Through this I will travel to three countries to identify and learn from global best practice in reducing the number of lives lost to suicide, after being impacted by domestic abuse. 

I will be travelling to Iceland, Slovenia and the USA over the next 12 months, as well as connecting with other international colleagues via Zoom to identify national policies and frontline interventions which can reduce the risk of suicide amongst both perpetrators and victims of domestic abuse.  



NIHR Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (23/24)
Churchill Fellow (23/24)


Professor Lindsay Forbes

Last updated 20 October 2023