Portrait of Dr Simon Bailey

Dr Simon Bailey

Senior Research Fellow
PhD, MA, BSc


I am a sociologist and completed my undergraduate training at the London School of Economics, before completing a Masters and PhD in the School of Education at the University of Nottingham. My post-doctoral research career began in 2008 at the University of Nottingham, moving in 2011 to Manchester Business School, and joining CHSS in 2018.

Research interests

Sociology of care and care work, organisation studies, science and technology studies
Qualitative methods, ethnography, rapid evaluation
Digital healthcare, adoption and adaptation to new technologies, user-technology interaction, algorithms and AI, responsibility and accountabilty
Health systems, organisation and management, commissioning, contracting and finance
Integration, place-based care, person-centred care, quality and safety
Policy making and implementation, policy piloting, experimentation and evaluation, design thinking and open and participatory policy making
Workforce capacity and capability, organisational development, innovation & improvement
Precarious and project-based work, casualisation, gig economy


SOCI8007 Managing Uncertainty in Healthcare Organisation (module convenor)
SOCI9000 Introduction to Applied Health and Research
SOCI9064 Integrated Health Systems


Susan Potter (co-supervisor with Sarah Hotham)
Daniel Huggins (co-supervisor with Stephen Peckham)
Sophie Rogers (lead supervisor)


European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS)
Society for Studies of Healthcare Organisation (SHOC)

Current Research

Policy Research Unit on Health Systems and Commissioning (PRUComm), NIHR Policy Research Programme
A Day at a Time: The everyday experience of time in the coronavirus pandemic. A collaboration with the Mass Observation Archive
Organising Algorithms in Healthcare, Faculty Research Grant


Last updated 26 October 2023