Portrait of  Lisa Richey

Lisa Richey

Research and Training Fellow
MSc, BSc


I have been working at Kent County Council since November 2021 first as a Case Officer and then as a Registered Social Worker. My application for a Kent Research Partnership Fellowship was successful and I joined as a Research and Training Fellow in November 2023.

My research explores neurodiversity within social workers and their wellbeing, resources and creating awareness of neurodiversity within the workplace.


My experience begins as someone with lived experience, I am neurodiverse myself with Aspergers and ADHD. Also, my brother has complex disabilities therefore, I have held responsibility from a young age aiding my parents with my brothers care and support needs.

My career has been varied. I started working at the age of 16 in a learning disability day service which introduced me to social care environments. Then, I worked in Nursing Care, Residential Care, Supported Living and NHS Hospitals in East Sussex and Plymouth. I became a Social Worker in September 2022 after having completed my MSc at the University of Brighton. Throughout my career I started at the lowest position as a cleaner and then moved through the positions as a support worker, team leader, care coordinator and then a social worker. Therefore, I know what it means to climb the ladder of knowledge and experience within health and social care. I have worked with individuals with learning disabilities and behaviour that may challenge, individuals with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar and depression. Also, I have worked with elderly individuals with dementia and palliative care conditions such as cancer. I was proud to support those throughout the final moments of their life ensuring their comfort and dignity were maintained.

Research Interests

My interests in pursuing research are surrounding Neurodiversity within Social Work, particularly Adult Social Care. One of my interests is finding resources, support and ways to assist with retention of social workers with neurodiverse characteristics. I am drawn to linking research to everyday working within social work.


BSc Speech and Language Sciences – University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth (2016-2019).

MSc Social Work – University of Brighton (2019-2021)

Last updated 23 March 2024