Centre for Anglican History and Theology

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Autumn 2021: The Oxford History of Anglicanism

For Autumn term, the Reading Group focused on the multi-volume The Oxford History of Anglicanism.

Monday 4 October: Selection from The Oxford History of Anglicanism Volume I and II: (Chair: Kenneth Fincham)

Monday 1 November: Selection from The Oxford History of Anglicanism Volume III: (Chair: Ralph Norman)

Monday 6 December: Selection from The Oxford History of Anglicanism Volume IV and V: Volume IV: chapter 5 William Sachs ‘Sexuality and Anglicanism’ and chapter 8 Sarah Stockwell ‘Anglicanism in the Era of Decolonization’ and Volume V chapter 1 Jeffery Cox ‘The Dialectics of Empire, Race and Diocese’ (Chair: Jeremy Carrette)

Spring 2022

Monday 7 February: The Church of England in the 1650s (Chair: Rebecca Warren)

Monday 7 March: Disciplines of History and Theology (Chair: Philip Boobbyer)

Monday 4 April: Anglicans and Music (Chair: Jonathan Arnold)

Summer 2022

Monday 6 June: 19th Century Anglican Thought and Idealism (Chair: Ralph Norman)