Supramolecular, Interfacial and Synthetic Chemistry (SISC)

At SISC, our commitment to fostering innovation and advancing the frontiers of science extends far beyond our own walls. We are proud to introduce SISC Global, a dedicated space that celebrates the spirit of international cooperation and highlights our collaborative reach across the globe.

Our Global Collaborative Network:
Our global footprint spans continents and encompasses a multitude of prestigious universities and institutions. SISC members have engaged in collaborative efforts with partners across various disciplines, unlocking the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. These partnerships have helped us bridge cultural and geographical boundaries, fostering a rich tapestry of perspectives that drive innovation.

The Power of Cooperation:
At SISC, we believe that the power of cooperation knows no bounds. It is through these collaborations that we uncover new insights, challenge existing paradigms, and push the boundaries of scientific exploration. Our commitment to global partnerships reflects our dedication to pushing the frontiers of knowledge and driving positive change in the world.

Learn More:
Below is a comprehensive list of institutions with which we have maintained active collaborations since 2021. If you wish to delve into specific details regarding these partnerships or explore potential opportunities for collaboration, please feel free to contact us.