Current collaborations
Theoretical reasoning research cluster
- Researchers with a shared interest in the epistemology and methodology of current science, mathematics and medicine.
- More information.
Homotopy type theory
- Involving researchers in Philosophy and Computer Science.
- Contact David Corfield for more information.
Objective Bayesianism
- Jon Williamson (Philosophy) and Fabrizio Leisen and Cristiano Villa (Statistics)
- Contact Jon Williamson for more information.
Health methodology group
- Researchers with an interest in using new developments in philosophy to motivate improvements to health methodology.
- We collaborate with organisations such as the National Agency for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and the Collaborating Centre for Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care at Oxford.
- We co-organise the EBM+ consortium.
- Staff: David Corfield, Lubomira Radoilska, Michael Wilde, Jon Williamson
- PhD students: Daniel Auker-Howlett, Virginia Ghiara, William Levack-Payne, Alyx Robinson
Research projects
Causal reasoning
- The Metaphysical Foundation of Evidential Pluralism (BA / Leverhulme Trust 2020-2022)
- EBM+ for more effective COVID-19 interventions (GCRF 2020)
- Evidential pluralism in the social sciences (Leverhulme Trust 2019-22)
- Evaluating evidence in medicine (AHRC 2015-18)
- Grading evidence of mechanisms in physics and biology (Leverhulme 2015-18)
- Mechanisms and the evidence hierarchy (AHRC 2012)
- Causality across the levels: biomedical mechanisms and public health policies (BA 2009-11)
- Mechanisms and causality (Leverhulme 2007-10)
- The levels of causality (BA 2008)
- Causality and the interpretation of probability in the social and health sciences (BA 2006-7)
Classification and data mining
- Bio-inspired Classification and Data Mining Algorithms for Bioinformatics (EU)
- A Synergistic Integration of Natural and Artificial Immunology for the Prediction of Hierarchical Protein Functions (EPSRC)
Contextual reasoning
- Exploitation of Context in Communication (Leverhulme 2008-12)
Game-theoretic reasoning
- Reasoning in Coordination Games (Centre for Reasoning 2009-11)
Logical reasoning
- From Objective Bayesian Epistemology to Inductive Logic (AHRC 2012-15)
- Reasoning about evolving computer programs (Centre for Reasoning 2009-11)
- Proficient: Probabilistic logic and probabilistic networks (Leverhulme 2006-8)
Mathematical reasoning
- A Dialogue on Infinity (Templeton Foundation 2008-10)
- Coalition Governance in Germany: Strategic Behaviour in a Multi-Level Setting
Probabilistic reasoning
- In Defence of Objective Bayesianism (Leverhulme 2007-9)
- Progicnet: Probabilistic Logic and Probabilistic Networks (Leverhulme 2006-8)
- Stochastic Models for Yeast Prions (BBSRC 2006-)
- Tiger Conservation
- caOBNET: Objective Bayesian Nets for Integrating Cancer Knowledge (2006-)