We are fortunate to enjoy substantial support for our research from a diversity of financial backers and funding agencies. The most up-to-date list can be found below (the figures only show funds disbursed by funders into the University of Kent). Additionally, we receive very substantial in-kind contributions from central facilities through the award of beam-time and generous local support from our university (not shown).

Present and past research awards (in reverse chronological order)

  • Henry J. Sheehy (Intern), Dunan O’Dell (Host Supervisor, McMaster University), and Jorge Quintanilla (Home Supervisor), Mitacs Globalink Research Award No. IT30592 ($6,000 CAD, 16/5/2023-16/8/2023).
  • Emma Pugh (PI), EPSRC New Horizons Research Grant no. EP/V049062/1: A New Window for the Control and Measurement of Quantum Systems (£202,591, 31/01/2021-30/07/2024).
  • Gunnar Möller (PI), EPSRC New Horizons Research Grant no. EP/V048678/1: New architectures for topological superconductors (£202,397, 15/01/2021-14/01/2023).
  • Silvia Ramos (Co-I), Leverhulme Research Grant no. RPG-2019-220 (£142,016.00, 01/10/19-30/09/22).
  • Sudeep Ghosh (PI), Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellowship no. ECF-2019-476: Dynamics-based Characterisation of Topology in Superconductors (£77,413.50, 01/05/2020-30/04/2023).
  • Gunnar Moller (PI), EPSRC NetworkPlus on Emergence and Non-Equilibrium Physics workshop grant: New avenues for emergence in out-of-equilibrium matterNew avenues for emergence in out-of-equilibrium matter (ca. £2,000 + speakers/participant travel via network, 01/07/2019-02/07/2019).
  • Gunnar Moller (PI), EPSRC NetworkPlus on Emergence and Non-Equilibrium Physics workshop grant: Algorithmic Perspectives on Complex Matter (ca. £3,000 + speakers/participant travel via network, 30/04/2019-01/05/2019).
  • Gunnar Moller (PI), Royal Society University Research Fellowship URF\R\180004: Equilibrium properties of strongly correlated matter and beyond (£307,179, 01/02/2019-30/01/2022).
  • Silvia Ramos (PI), Diamond Light Source PhD Scholarship  (£43,074.00,  17/09/2017-28/02/2021).
  • Gunnar Moller (PI), Royal Society Research Fellows Enhancement Award RGF\EA\180107: Fluctuation Driven Orders Near Quantum Critical Points (£108,742, 01/12/2017-31/03/2021).
  • Jorge Quintanilla (PI), EPSRC Responsive Mode Grant no. EP/P00749X/1: Unconventional Superconductors: New Paradigms for New Materials (£338,397, 1/11/2016-30/05/2021).
  • Gunnar Moller (PI), EPSRC First Grant no. EP/P022995/1: Entanglement and Topology of Time-reversal Symmetric Fractional Topological Insulators101,003, 01/11/2017-30/06/2019).
  • Silvia Ramos (PI), Royal Society Research Grant no. RG160856 (£12,948, 15/08/2017-14/02/2019).
  • Gunnar Möller (PI), Royal Society University Research Fellowship no. UF120157: Simulating strong correlations in unconventionally ordered systems (£246,007, 01/05/2016-30/11/2018).
  • Jorge Quintanilla (PI), Sasakawa Faoundation Grant no. 4744: Collaboration on New Superconducting Materials (£1,600, 01/06/2015-30/10/2015).

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