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Science thrives on collaboration and this is one of our group’s core principles.

Our group actively participates in and fosters institutional links with other organisations. We are founding members of the Hubbard Theory Consortium, a branch of the International Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (I2CAM), and we hold research funding supporting collaborations with The University of Bristol, the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Technische Universität Munich, University of Osaka and Diamond Light Source, Ltd.

More broadly, our group members have co-authors in five continents and we have, in particular, deep collaborative links with, in the UK, Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, Warwick, and KCL among others and, internationally, Zhejiang, MPI-PKS, MPI-CPFS, CNRS Paris, CNRS Nancy, and the Paul Scherrer Institute, to name a few.

Finally, the group itself is formed by both theorists and expeirmentalists who hold seminars and other activities together and we have valuable local links with other Kent departments (particularly SMSAS and Computer Science).