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Kent Physics of Quantum Materials Discussion Group: On-line Meeting Instructions and Guidelines

Unless otherwise stated, the Physics of Quantum Materials Discussion Group is held in hybrid mode, meaning that participants have the possibility of joining in person or online using Teams. Please follow the instructions below and adhere to the following etiquette.

The instructions below assume that you are participating using your own device. If you join from the seminar room, one member of the audience needs to use their Kent credentials to log into the room’s PC, then open Teams and join the meeting in the normal way. We suggest the first person to arrive in the room makes the connection. If the speaker is in the room, then the meeting organiser should be the one to log on.

  1. A URL you can use to join the meeting using a web browser will be distributed via the PQM Discussion Group Mailing List. If you are not on the list, drop Sudeep a line.
  2. Please join the meeting at 11.00am for a 11.05am start. This gives us 5 minutes to resolve any technical issues. Thus, make sure you have logged in and checked your microphone, speakers, camera etc. before 11.00am.
  3. Mute your microphone when not speaking, to avoid background noise as much as possible. There is an obvious icon to mute/unmute your mircophone on the Teams/Zoom window.
  4. Do not interrupt the speaker. Rather, ask questions in the text-based chat or for Zoom raise your hand if you wish to ask a question verbally (the latter can be done either on camera or by clicking the “raise hand” button). Every call will have a host/moderator whose task it is to keep an eye on the chat and anyone wanting to talk. The moderator will interrupt the speaker and assign speaking time. This avoids people talking over each other, a common problem with video calls and their associated delays – without losing the advantage of the multi-user chat channel compared to a conventional seminar.
  5. A few notes for moderators:  For Zoom: i) By right-clicking on the miniature video screens (where everyone’s faces are), you can hide non-video participants. ii) Right-clicking on the chat and participant list title bars, you can select “always on top”, which helps to keep track of both of them. iii) Remind people who have used the “Raise hand” button to “lower” their hand when they are satisfied, otherwise the marker does not disappear. For Teams: Keep an eye on the chat.

Useful media: blank PDF booklets

Jorge Quintanilla and Leon Schoonderwoerd, March 2020 revised by JQ February 2022