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Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2022: Schedule

Conference schedule:

all times given as UK summer time (BST)

Final Schedule
Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2022

Programme for talks delivered live and additionally broadcast online.

Week I. 6-10th June

Week 1 talks take place in the UCL Roberts Building, room 508 (5th floor).

Monday 6 :

9:50   Piers Coleman “Opening Remarks”
10:00  Eugene Demler “Making quantum simulators useful” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Qimiao Si “Kondo Destruction, Dynamical Planckian Scaling, and Loss of Quasiparticles” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Seamus Davis  “On the Electron Pairing Mechanism of Copper-Oxide High Temperature Superconductivity” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Radu Coldea “Topological magnons and bond-dependent exchange in a honeycomb cobaltate” [Video]

Tuesday 7 :

10:00 Eugene Demler  “Optical responses of photo-excited materials: from parametric amplification to photo-induced superconductivity” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40 Hae-Young Kee  “Kitaev interaction and Kitaev Materials 1” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30 Radu Coldea “Quantum interaction effects in a spin-1/2 triangular antiferromagnet” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10 Marcin Szyniszewski (contributed) “Measurement-induced transitions and Anderson localisation” [Video]
16:40 Raul Santos (contributed) “Observing ground-state properties of the Fermi-Hubbard model using a scalable algorithm on a quantum computer” [Video]

Wednesday 8:

10:00  Qimiao Si “Quantum Critical Metals: From Loss of Quasiparticles to High-Tc Superconductivity” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Subir Sachdev “Quantum spin liquids, and a theory of the cuprate pseudogap metal” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Hae-Young Kee “Kitaev interaction and Kitaev Materials 2” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Shuqiu Wang (contributed) “Scattering interference signature of a pair density wave state in the cuprate pseudogap phase” [Video]

Thursday 9 :

10:00  Ashley Cook  “Topological skyrmion phases of matter I: toy models and bulk-boundary correspondences” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  John Saunders  “Quantum materials into the microkelvin regime; topological superfluid 3He under mesoscopic confinement, a benchmark for topological superconductivity” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Nigel Hussey “Dual character of the cuprate strange metal” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Hongzheng Zhao (contributed) “Orthogonal Quantum Many-Body Scars” [Video]
16:40  Miguel Angel Sanchez Martinez (contributed) “Optical responses of multifold semimetals RhSi and CoSi” [Video]

Friday 10 :

10:00  Subir Sachdev  “Yukawa SYK models, and a theory of strange metals in two dimensions” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  John Saunders  “Quantum materials into the microkelvin regime; interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in YbRh2Si2” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Ashley Cook  “Topological skyrmion phases of matter II: realization in transition metal oxide superconductors and topological phase transitions” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Seamus Davis  “Electron-Pair Visualization for Pair Density Wave Studies” [Video]

Week II. 13-17th June

Note change of venue for Week 2: talks will now take place in UCL’s Bentham House, LG17 Lecture room on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th – for a map, see:

From Wednesday 15th, talks take place at the Roberts Building, room 421 (4th floor), as originally announced.

Monday 13 :

Location: UCL’s Bentham House, LG17

10:00  Shivaji Sondhi “Floquet Phases I : Generalities and the Ising Model” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Elio Koenig     “Topological order and quantum materials” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Shivaji Sondhi “Floquet Phases II: Absolute Stability and experiments” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Sven Friedemann “Charge-Density-Waves in NbSe2, TiSe2, and elemental sulphur” [Video]

Tuesday 14 :

Location: UCL’s Bentham House, LG17

10:00  Pascal Simon “New insights from electronic transport in superconducting bound-states” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Sven Friedemann “High-Pressure Research in Condensed Matter Physics” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Premi Chandra  “Challenges and Opportunities in Polar Materials” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Elio Koenig  “Entanglement and topology in triplet superconductors” [Video]

Wednesday 15:

Location: UCL Roberts Building, room 421

10:00 Joerg Schmalian   “Superconductivity without quasiparticles: Quantum critical Eliashberg theory and its holographic dual (1)” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Ansgar Graf (contributed) “Multifold Hopf semimetals” [Video]
12:10  Maxence Grandadam (contributed) “Bold diagrammatic expansion for the optical conductivity of the 2D Hubbard model” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Pascal Simon “Topological  phase transition in two-dimensional Materials induced by light-matter interaction” [Video]
15:50  Break
16:10  Weijiong Chen (contributed) “Identification of a Nematic Pair Density Wave State in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x” [Video]
16:40  Abhishodh Prakash (contributed)  “Multiversality and Unnecessary Criticality in One Dimension” [Video]

Thursday 16 :

Location: UCL Roberts Building, room 421

10:00 Joerg Schmalian  “Superconductivity without quasiparticles: Quantum critical Eliashberg theory and its holographic dual (2)” [Video]
11:20 Break
11:40  Andrei Bernevig “Strong coupling exact solutions of flat band models” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Suchitra Sebastian “Mapping the cuprate superconducting phase diagram” [not recorded]
15:50 Break
16:10 Wiqar Hussain Shah (contributed) “Competing Interactions, and magnetization dynamics in the doped Rare-Earth Manganites nano-structural system” [Video]
16:40 free / TBA

Friday 17 :

Location: UCL Roberts Building, room 421

10:00  Andrei Bernevig  “Mapping TBG into a Topological Heavy Fermion” [Video]
11:20  Break
11:40  Premi Chandra “Energy Fluctuations and Quantum Critical Polar Superconductivity” [Video]
13:00 – 14:30  Lunch break
14:30  Open discussion (chair: Piers Coleman)

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