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Condensed Matter Physics in the City: London 2022

Remit and Audience:

Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2022 is scheduled to takes place in central London premises under the heading “Deep Challenges of Quantum Materials: new insights from entanglement and emergence“, following up on our successful 2021 hybrid meeting “Quantum Materials to Quantum Information”.

This conference series is organised annually by the Hubbard Theory Consortium (formed by Imperial College London, University College London, the University of Kent and Royal Holloway University of London).

Join the discussion on twitter under our conference hashtag #cmpcity2022. For more info, see Social Media.

Important Announcement: Please note the conference venue has now been moved to the Roberts Building on the University College London Bloomsbury Campus. See venue for details.


Week 1: Monday 6 June – Friday 10 June
Week 2: Monday 13 June – Friday 18 June
See the (preliminary) schedule for further information.

Registration is now closed. Please see the registration page for instructions how you may still join. Note that we do not charge registration fees.


After our previous online meetings the 2022 edition will finally take place in hybrid mode – in person, and additionally offering the possibility to join the conference online.

Live talks will be complemented by long awaited opportunities to discuss in person. In keeping with the meeting’s tradition, all talks are scheduled with generous time for discussion, and active participation by all attendees is strongly encouraged.

Details on the running of the meeting are to be confirmed in due course and will be communicated directly to registered participants.

Confirmed Speakers:

Week 1 (6-10th June)

Subir Sachdev (Harvard)
Qimiao Si (Rice)
Seamus Davis (Oxford)
Hae Young Kee (Toronto)
Ashley Cook (MPI Dresden)
Nigel Hussey (Bristol)
Radu Coldea (Oxford)
John Saunders (Royal Holloway, London)
Eugene Demler (ETH Zürich)
Alan Tennant (Oak Ridge National Laboratories)

Week II. 13-17th June

Joerg Schmalian (Karslruhe)
Elio Koenig (MPI Stuttgart)
Andrei Bernevig (Princeton)
Premi Chandra (Rutgers)
Sven Friedemann (Bristol)
Suchitra Sebastian (Cambridge)
Pascal Simon (U. Paris Saclay)
Shivaji Sondhi (Oxford)


For details on how to register, please see the Registration Page.
The conference venue is located near Euston Station and the British Museum in Bloomsbury, London. We have put together a list of nearby accommodation options to facilitate your planning.

We look forward to welcome you to this globally broadcast issue of Condensed Matter Physics in the Cities, soon.


We gratefully acknowledge support by the Institute of Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM).


The 2022 organising committee:

Ryan Barnett, Sam Carr, Piers Coleman, Andrew Green, Andrew Ho, Andrew Huxley, Frank Krüger, Gunnar Möller

History of the meeting:

Condensed Matter Physics in the City is run by the Hubbard Theory Consortium, as one of its flagship activities since its foundation in 2010.

The Hubbard Theory Consortium brings together condensed matter groups throughout southeast England, including the groups at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL), the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Harwell (including the ISIS Facilities and the Diamond Light Source), the London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) at University College London, the University of Kent, and Imperial College London.

Please see the HTC website for more information.


Please direct queries to

Social Media:

Announcements will be made via the twitter account of the Hubbard Theory Consortium @HTCPhysics and the conference hashtag is #cmpcity2022. For more info, see Social Media.