A PhD project offered by Dr Gunnar Möller (Physics) and Dr Steffen Krusch (Mathematics) - to investigate how to generate efficient quantum circuits for creating topologically ordered quantum many-body states and examine their stability and usefulness as a resource for topologically protected quantum memories and logical qubit operations.
(about the first supervisor) (about the second supervisor) (to application instructions)
Project description:
The theoretical idea of topological states of matter, carrying an inherent robustness of their features to external influences, has inspired a huge effort in materials science aimed at identifying suitable compounds. However, the second quantum revolution of emerging quantum technologies has now opened an alternative pathway to creating states with topological features. It was already demonstrated that currently available intermediate scale noisy quantum computers (NISQ) can be used to simulate the quantum states of famous topologically ordered phases such as Kitaev’s toric code model [1] and an S_3 non-Abelian theory [2]. The creation of these states raises numerous questions, e.g., whether these states truly carry the same inherent robustness as that of topological matter, how they relate to topological codes, a general understanding of the number of gate operations and measurements required to create such states, etc.
In this PhD project, we will design quantum circuits for creating a wider range of topological states, and critically examine the potential of using such states as a platform for realising robust quantum memories and gate operations. In particular, we will examine the question to which extent fast-forwarding techniques of using measurements in state preparation can be used in a scalable fashion to achieve large ensembles with topological order.
- Satzinger, K. J. et al. Realizing topologically ordered states on a quantum processor. Science 374, 1237–1241 (2021).
- Iqbal, M. et al. Creation of Non-Abelian Topological Order and Anyons on a Trapped-Ion Processor. Preprint at http://arxiv.org/abs/2305.03766 (2023).
The successful candidate will be supervised jointly by Dr Gunnar Möller (School of Physics / Astronomy) and Dr Steffen Krusch (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science). The student will become a member of the Physics of Quantum Materials group, with a vibrant and supportive research environment.
More information at: www.kent.ac.uk/physics-astronomy/people/466/möller-gunnar and https://www.kent.ac.uk/smsas/personal/sk68/ .
The applicant should have a first degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science or other related STEM field.
The student carrying out this project will be registered for a PhD in the School of Physics & Astronomy. The student will become a member of the Physics of Quantum Materials group, with a vibrant and supportive research environment.
Supervisors: Dr Gunnar Möller (g.moller@kent.ac.uk), Dr Steffen Krusch (s.krusch@kent.ac.uk)
Deadline: 15 May 2025, 23:59GMT
To apply for this position, you will need to use the graduate applicant system of the University of Kent and apply for the degree in PhD in Physics (Full Time) – please see detailed instructions in our post about the EPSRC Quantum Technologies studentships.
(about the first supervisor) (about the second supervisor) (to application instructions)