Nuaulu ethnobotanical cognition and knowledge

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H.L. Soselisa and R. Ellen (2024). ‘Multivocal responses to conservation in Maluku province, Indonesia: biocultural diversity, protest and management in a zone of ecological transition” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography.

Ellen, R. (2024). ‘Plant identification and ethnoscience in the work of Rumphius’, History of Anthropology Review 48:

Ellen, R. (2023). ‘Identifying plants as a process of cultural cognition: comparing knowledge production and communities of practice in modern botanical science and Nuaulu Ethnobotany’, Journal of Ethnobiology 43(3), 208–218.

Ellen, R. (2022). How Nuaulu sago palms feature in debates around the measurement of plant use and valuation. In The cultural value of trees: folk value and biocultural conservation (ed.) J. Wall, 177-190. London and New York: Routledge Earthscan.

Ellen, R. (2021). Nuaulu use and management of culturally salient polymorphisms in Codiaeum variegatum: explaining the biocultural dimensions of leaf variegation in a Southeast Asian ornamental. Journal of Ethnobiology 41 (2). pp. 229-246.  

Ellen, R. (2021). Thinking through nostalgia in anthropologies of the environment and ethnographies of landscape. In Ecological nostalgias: memory, affect and creativity in times of ecological upheavals (eds) O. Angé and D. Berliner, 17-38. Oxford: Berghahn.

Ellen, R. (2021). Nature wars: essays around a contested concept. New York, Oxford: Berghahn.

Ellen, R. (2020). The Nuaulu world of plants: ethnobotanical cognition, knowledge and practice among a people of Seram, eastern Indonesia. [Royal Anthropological Institute Monograph Series 3] Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing. [‘Recipient of the 2022 Mary W. Klinger prize from the Society for Economic Botany’]

Ellen, R. (2020). Cultivar diversity and management as traditional environmental knowledge. In The Routledge handbook of indigenous environmental knowledge (eds) T.F. Thornton, and S.A. Bhagwat, 46-56. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.

Ellen, R. (2019). Ritual, landscapes of exchange, and the domestication of Canarium: a Seram     case study. Asian Perspectives 58 (4), 261-86.

Ellen, R. (2019). Transmitting symbolic concepts from the perspective of cultural cognition – the acquisition and transfer of folk-biological knowledgeIn Finding, inheriting or borrowing? The construction and transfer of knowledge in antiquity and the middle ages, eds., J. Althoff, D. Berrens and T. Pommerening. [Mainz Historical Cultural Sciences, 39]. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 41-70.

Ellen, R. (2018). Comment on ‘Revamping the metaphysics of ethnobiological classification’ by David Ludwig. Current Anthropology 59 (4), 424-426.

Ellen, R. (2017). Contingency and adaptation over five decades in Nuaulu forest-based plant knowledge, in Indigenous knowledge: enhancing its contribution to natural resource management, ed. P. Sillitoe. Wallingford: CAB International, 28-39.