Literary Culture, Meritocracy and the Assessment of Intelligence in Britain and America, 1880-1920

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Literary Culture, Meritocracy and the Assessment of Intelligence in Britain and America, 1880-1920
How late nineteenth- and early twentieth century novelists conceptualised and represented human intelligence

Research on the project’s themes has been published, or is forthcoming, in the following publications:


Mike Collins:

‘Henry Adams and the Biopolitics of Democracy’ Amerikastudien (forthcoming)

‘W.E.B. Du Bois’s Neurological Modernity: I.Q., Afropessimism, Genre’, Palgrave Handbook of American Literature and Science (forthcoming)

‘The Indignant Schoolmaster: Bad Faith Pedagogy and Anne Sullivan’s “Little Alabamian”‘, Affect and Pedagogy in Literary Studies (forthcoming)

Sara Lyons:

‘Thomas Hardy and the Value of Brains’ Victorian Literature and Culture (forthcoming 2020)

Recent Work in Victorian Studies and the BildungsromanLiterature Compass15.4 (2018)

‘You Must Be as Clever as We Think You’: Assessing Intelligence in Henry James’s The Tragic Muse’. Modern Philology  115.1 (2017): 105-130.

Natasha Periyan:

‘Women in Love and Education: D. H. Lawrence’s Epistemological Critique’, Modernist Cultures 14.3 (2019): 357–374

The Biopolitics of Mrs Dalloway: Intelligence and Sentiment’ (forthcoming Bloomsbury’s Historicizing Modernism series)

‘Failures of vision and the crisis of civilization: Vera Brittain, Storm Jameson and Nancy Mitford’, for British Women’s Writing 1930 to 1960: A New Reality, ed. by Sue Kennedy and Jane Thomas (forthcoming Liverpool University Press)

‘Learning from the Past: Teaching in and Beyond Nineteen Eighty-Four‘ for The Cambridge Companion to ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, ed. Nathan Waddell (forthcoming Cambridge University Press)

‘Naomi Mitchison and the Class and Gender Politics of Eugenics’, in The 1930s: A Decade of British Fiction, ed. by Nick Hubble, Elinor Taylor and Luke Seaber (forthcoming Bloomsbury Academic’s Decades in Fiction series)