Centre for Late Antique Archaeology

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Picture by Bruno

Late Antique Archaeology 2018: Burial and Memorial in Late Antiquity

Birkbeck, 17 March 2018


Osteology: Late Antique Lives from Bones

Flavio de Angelis (Sop. Arch. Di Roma) and Andrea Battistini (Sop. Arch. Di Roma) Lives from Bones: Anthropological Evaluation in the City of Rome

Biomolecules in Late Antiquity (Isotopes, Diet, Migration, Epidemic, Endemic disease)

Alexandra Chavarria (Padova) Northern Italy

Rituals and Identities: Death Rituals and Treatment of the Body

Luke Lavan (Kent) Funeral processions in late antiquity
Chloe Clarke (KCL) Colour patterns & symbolism of dress ornaments in Romano-British burials
Rhea Brettell (Bradford) Organic residues from mortuary contexts (Britain).
Thibaut Devièse (Oxford) Colourants and dyes
Béatrice Caseau (Paris IV) Treatment of the body: Ointments and perfumes

Commemoration, Monuments, Funerary Topography

Memorials – Late Antique Commemoration

Zsolt Magyar (Budapest) Mausolea in Pannonia
Chris Sparey-Green (Kent) Mausolea in NW Europe

Spatial Relationships of Dead to Living

Judit Ciurana Prast (Barcelona) Funerary Landscapes of Catalonia
Efthymios Rizos (Oxford) Christian elite burials in Anatolia / Constantinople & the cult of relics

Memorial and Oblivion: Spolia and Attitudes to Tombs

Luke Lavan (Kent) Spolia and the archaeology of memory
Douglas Underwood (Kent) City walls and tomb destruction (Skype)
Nick Mishkovsky (Kent) City walls and tomb preservation