Centre for Language and Linguistics

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Picture by Nathaniel Shuman

Research Network for Languages, Linguistics and Literatures

Interdisciplinary approaches to language

We are an enthusiastic team of researchers exploring language and literature through many lenses—uncovering historical patterns, tracing themes across genres and texts, or examining how people use language in everyday life. Our work reveals how language shapes cultures, reflects evolving ideas, and connects individuals and communities.

We take a dynamic, interdisciplinary approach, combining literary and historical analysis with cutting-edge linguistic research. Our investigations also extend to language teaching methodologies, exploring how languages are learned and taught in different contexts. Whether we’re studying archival documents, analysing visual narratives, collecting real-world language data, our goal is to explore how language shapes the human experience—and how human experiences, in turn, shape language.

Guest lectures

The Centre’s guest lecture series forms part of its events programme and runs throughout the academic year and is open to all members of the University as well as the general public. Contributions from researchers in all areas of linguistic enquiry are welcome. The Director of the Centre welcomes enquiries from those interested in presenting their work.

Reading groups

Four readings groups convene throughout the academic year: Syntax, Stylistics, Language & Cognition, and Discourse, Power, and Society. Guests are welcome to join regular discussions of thought-provoking papers and to suggest readings. Please contact the relevant group convenor if you would like to join:

Training workshops

The Centre organises a range of workshops that aim to support the acquisition of new research skills at different levels of specialisation. These can be aimed at our postgraduate student community or can be open and useful to all members of the Centre. Please contact the Director, Dr Eleni Kapogianni, if you would like to suggest a training workshop.

Research internships

During the Summer Term, the Centre offers a number of research internships which are registered with the Employability Points scheme at the University. The internships provide an opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students to take part in current research projects in English Language and Linguistics and are voluntary. Please contact the Centre director for information on how to apply.