Growing Kent & Medway

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Case Studies

Funded business-academic collaborations

Businesses have partnered with researchers on projects that help the transition to net-zero, and deliver improved productivity and sustainability in horticultural food and drink production. From fresh produce packaging, food and drink processing, horticultural production to the supporting technologies, your project can solve a challenge at any point in the supply chain.

Rent A Cherry Tree Collaboration

Using cherry waste to create foods rich in compounds with health benefits that reduce agricultural waste and promotes health

Nashi Gold Pear Collaboration

Investigating the biochemical profiles in Nashi Gold pear hybrids for potential health benefits

Re-Generation Earth collaboration

The role of biochar in increasing crop land productivity and the removal of atmospheric greenhouse gases

British Hop Association (BHA) Collaboration

Marker assisted breeding to produce powdery mildew resistant hop cultivars

Inspro Black Soldier Fly Project

Production of insect protein feed through valorisation of ‘organic waste’ from UK farms

Novel Punnet Plastic Soaker Project

Investigating the impact of novel punnet to remove a plastic soaker pad whilst maintaining the quality and shelf life of fruit

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Enhancing Soil Through Microbiome Manipulation

Improving soil health for sustainable agriculture and ecosystem stability

Photo by Paul Einerhand on Unsplash

Seaweed Cultivation Project

Reducing the environmental impact of commercial seaweed cultivation

Photo by Meg MacDonald on Unsplash

Hop Sensory and Chemical Assessments

Enhancing the Uptake of UK Hops by National Breweries through Comprehensive Assessments

Photo by Red Morley Hewitt on Unsplash

Sustainable Farming Systems

Development of a measure, report and verification protocol for enhanced rock weathering to improve soil fertility

Photo by Yutacar on Unsplash

Non-alcoholic beer production

Harnessing UK hops for sustainable non-alcoholic beer production

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

Non-conventional yeast strain optimisation

Non-conventional yeast strain optimisation for industrial protein production using deep learning

Photo by Azimbek Assarov on Unsplash

Climate Resilient UK Hop Varieties

Genetic Informed Breeding of Climate Resilient UK Hop Varieties

Photo by David Foodphototasty on Unsplash

Animal-Free Cheese Production

Unlocking the Next-Generation Protein Expression Systems for Animal-Free Cheese Production

International reach: Nutri-San

Developing sustainable seaweed-based solutions for animal feed and agriculture, and food industries while supporting business mentorship